





Center for Research in Computer Vision

University of Central Florida

4328 Scorpius Street, HEC 245

Orlando, FL 32816-2365

Ph.D. openings are available in the Center for Research in Computer Vision (CRCV) at the University of Central Florida (UCF) under the supervision of Prof. Chen Chen.

Students will be graduated with a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science. CRCV is a world-leading research center for computer vision and machine learning. UCF is ranked 8th in Computer Vision according to

Prof. Chen Chen’s main research interests include computer vision, image and video processing, and machine learning. He had published ~100 papers in top-tier venues, including CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, NeurIPS, ICLR, AAAI, IJCAI, MICCAI, T-PAMI, T-IP, T-NNLS, and IJCV. 

He has more than 14,000 citations with an h-index of 57 as of August, 2023 according to his Google Scholar profile. He is ranked among the top 2% of scientists in the world by a recent Stanford University study. He is an Area Chair of CVPR 2022, ECCV 2022, ACM Multimedia 2019 – 2022, ICME 2021-2023, and WACV 2019. More information on Prof. Chen Chen can be found at:

The students will work on the following Research Topics:

(1) Deep learning for computer vision (object detection/recognition, action detection/recognition in videos, human pose estimation and tracking, semantic segmentation, etc.)

(2) Multi-modal learning (vision, text, speech, etc.), foundation models

(3) Generative models, AIGC

(4) Vision for drones (vision-assisted navigation, control, planning, etc.)

(5) Resource-efficient deep learning for edge computing (e.g., model compression/pruning, adaptive/dynamic neural networks, spiking neural networks, etc.)

(6) Federated learning and applications

(7) Medical image computing (in collaboration with Mayo Clinic)


(1) Undergraduate or MS students with degrees in Computer Science/Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics or related majors.

(2) Strong programming and/or mathematical skills. Proficient in deep learning frameworks, e.g., PyTorch

(3) Candidates with research experience in image processing, computer vision, and machine learning, are preferred.

(4) Strong motivation and passion for conducting research and solving challenging problems.

(5) Proficiency in English reading and writing (through GRE, TOEFL/IELTS scores, and publications).

Interested individuals are encouraged to contact Dr. Chen Chen ([email protected]) with the following documentation:

(1) A short description of your research interest and experience

(2) A current CV

(3) Transcripts if applicable

(4) Representative publications if applicable

Experience the Magic of Orlando While You Pursue Your Ph.D.

When you join our team at the University of Central Florida, you're not just committing to academic excellence, but also to a life in one of the world's most vibrant and exciting cities - Orlando. As a global hub for innovation and entertainment, Orlando offers an unparalleled blend of academic, professional, and recreational opportunities.

Entertainment at its Best: Step outside your academic life and immerse yourself in the enchanting worlds of Disney and Universal Studios, where creativity, innovation, and magic come alive. These iconic parks are not just tourist attractions but also serve as sources of inspiration and a reminder that dreams can indeed become reality.

Beaches and Beauty: Just a short drive away are some of Florida's most pristine beaches, where you can take a break and soak up the sun or get inspired by the tranquil beauty of the Atlantic Ocean. Dive into a book, enjoy water sports, or simply revel in the picturesque sunsets.

Gateway to Adventure: Orlando's strategic location puts you close to many of Florida’s iconic destinations. Whether it's the vibrant energy of Miami, the historic charm of St. Augustine, or launching into space topics with a visit to the Kennedy Space Center, the possibilities for weekend trips are endless.

A Thriving Academic and Professional Network: Beyond its attractions, Orlando boasts a rapidly growing tech scene and a myriad of networking events, making it an ideal location for ambitious students to connect, collaborate, and innovate.





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