前段时间,韩国女团BLACKPINK的成员Lisa,被曝与法国LV集团三太子弗雷德里克·阿尔诺(Frédéric Arnault)一起在意大利度假。
不少网友表示顶流女爱豆X豪门贵公子的CP太好磕了,坐等官宣和发糖。谁知道,等了好几个月,官宣没等来,却等来了另一个重磅消息:At the Crazy Horse Paris art theater, BLACKPINK's Lisa is scheduled to deliver five exclusive performances over three days, with her first show on September 28, followed by two performances on September 29 and 30. 在巴黎的“疯马”夜总会,BLACKPINK 成员 Lisa 将带来三天五场独家演出,首场演出将于 9 月 28 日举行,随后将于 9 月 29 日和 30 日举行两场演出。She will be electrifying the stage with original cabaret numbers, including the theater's original performances of But I'm a Good Girl and Crisis? What Crisis?.她将在舞台上表演原创歌舞剧目,包括《But I'm a Good Girl》和《Crisis? What Crisis?》。恕我孤陋寡闻了,一开始对“疯马秀”并不了解,现在知道后是满脸震惊!!!“疯马秀”的翻译可能还掩盖了这个名字中的隐藏含义。“Crazy Horse”在英文中与“Crazy Whores"谐音,Whore这个词带有一定的侮辱意味,可以译为“妓女、娼妇、婊子”。「Crazy horse疯马秀」,与「Moulin Rouge红磨坊」、「Lido show丽都歌舞秀」并称巴黎夜总会三大秀。
疯马秀虽是巴黎三大秀中历史最短的,却位居三大秀之首,连超现实主义大师达利也成为疯马秀的常客,更为它设计了经典的红唇沙发。On May 19, 1951, Alain Bernardin, a visionary and fervent admirer of the female gender, founded Crazy Horse, a cabaret in Paris where the creation and sublimation of the female body take center stage. 1951 年 5 月 19 日,阿兰·贝尔纳丹(Alain Bernardin)——一位有远见的女性狂热崇拜者,在巴黎创办了一家名为“疯马”(Crazy Horse)的夜总会。在这里,女性身体的创造和魅力成为舞台的中心。The teasingly libertine stripteasers succeed each other under the vibrant lights of Crazy Horse, captivating the hearts of the audience during each show.在“疯马”诱惑的灯光下,放荡不羁的脱衣舞女们翩翩起舞,每场演出都撩拨着观众的心。 For its 50th anniversary in 2001, the Crazy Horse galloped away from France for the first time. Destination: Las Vegas! Success on the Las Vegas strip was the crowning glory of the Crazy Horse's achievements. 2001 年,“疯马”在其 50 周年庆典上首次离开法国。目的地:拉斯维加斯!在拉斯维加斯的成功是“疯马”的最高荣誉。In October 2006 the new era of the Crazy began as the extraordinary Dita von Teese, diva of international striptease and icon of charm, premiered her debut show at 12 Avenue George-V on a night of extraordinary sensuality. 2006 年 10 月,国际脱衣舞天后、魅力偶像迪塔·冯·蒂丝在乔治五世大道 12 号首演,这个非同凡响的性感之夜就此拉开了“疯马”新纪元的序幕。
疯马秀最为人所知的还有挑选“疯马女郎”极度严格的标准,据说每年会收到超过500封的应征履历,却仅有20人能通过申请。她们无一不是极致尤物,因而有秀场维纳斯之艺。但这种对女性身材的严苛要求,也为疯马秀招致了许多批评和指责。To become a "Crazy lady", aspiring performers have to meet exacting criteria, designed to quicken the heartbeat of those who are privileged to witness their performance. Club rules say these icons of beauty must be between 1.68 and 1.72 metres in height - no more and no less - with long legs, and a proud - and natural! - chest with its two points 21cm apart and a navel 13 cm above the pubic region. 要想成为“疯马舞娘”,野心勃勃的表演者必须符合严格的标准,这些标准设置的目的是让有幸目睹她们表演的观众心跳加速。俱乐部规定,这些美丽偶像的身高必须在 1.68 米至 1.72 米之间,不能多也不能少!双乳峰相距 21 厘米,肚脐高于耻区 13 厘米。This may sound as if beauty is being reduced to mere numbers, but what the Crazy calls its "Golden Rules" have worked for more than six decades - and have been revised over the years to include both dancing and acting skills, with, above all, added sophistication and personality.这听起来似乎是把美简化成了数字,但“疯马”所谓的“黄金标准”在过去的六十多年里一直行之有效,而且多年来,为了兼具舞蹈魅力和表演技巧,这一标准经过多次修改,其中最重要的是更强调高雅和个性。她在Ins上晒过去巴黎看疯马秀的照片,还有网友猜测是LV三公子带她一起去的,纷纷指责她是恋爱脑,为爱挑战爱豆底线?
As the theater's concept revolves around the nude theme, fans have mixed reactions to the news. While some are over the moon, others feel somewhat nervous about it.由于剧院的概念围绕着裸体主题,粉丝们对这一消息的反应不一。虽然有些人欣喜若狂,但也有人对此感到有些紧张。作为亚洲顶级爱豆,Lisa有着广大的粉丝群体,其中不乏未成年人,会不会对他们产生不良影响,觉得“脱衣舞”也是很正常的表演艺术?这里就不能不提“卡姐”卡迪·B(Cardi B)。她之前曾迫于生计去跳脱衣舞,让她非常羞愧,在后来的采访中,她百般叮嘱女孩子千万不能学!
等不及看丽莎女王的表演了👑🔥While some fans label the show as a strip club, defenders argue that it's a place where dancers deliver highly recognized performances and consider it an entertainment venue.They eagerly awaited Lisa's chance to showcase her versatility and talent in a unique form of entertainment that encompasses drama, sensuality, and confidence. 虽然有些粉丝将“疯马”称为脱衣舞俱乐部,但支持者认为,这是一个舞者提供备受认可的表演的地方,并将其视为一个娱乐场所。他们热切期待Lisa有机会在这种包含戏剧性、性感和自信的独特娱乐形式中展示她的才艺和天赋。Several other well-known celebrities, including Beyoncé, Frederick Wiseman, and Aubade, have previously delivered iconic performances at the famous Crazy Horse Paris art theater. As Lisa becomes the first K-pop act to perform there, fans are comparing her to Beyoncé within the group.其他几位知名名人,包括碧昂斯、弗雷德里克·怀斯曼和奥巴德,此前都曾在著名的巴黎疯马艺术剧院进行过标志性的演出。随着Lisa成为第一个在那里演出的韩国流行歌手,粉丝们将她与碧昂斯相提并论。另外,补充一点,疯马秀是严禁对演出进行摄影、拍摄和录音的(Photographing, filming, and recording the performance is strictly prohibited)。所以想看Lisa表演的只能买票去!但不好意思,票早就抢空了哈。今天要跟大家介绍下小IN
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