曾于2017年涉嫌掰断并偷走兵马俑拇指的美国男子迈克尔·罗哈纳(Michael Rohana),被宣判获缓刑5年,罚款5000美元,外加100个小时的社区服务工作。
A Delaware man was sentenced Wednesday to five years of probation after he broke off the finger of an ancient statue while inside a Philadelphia museum.
Michael Rohana, 29, apologized to his family and the Chinese government, saying he would make no excuses for his drunken prank at the museum's 2017 ugly sweater Christmas party.
"Through all of this, I've earned a huge respect for these archaeological items," he told US District Judge Chad F Kenney during a hearing in federal court in Philadelphia. "They are not to be messed with, broken, or damaged."
联邦法院地区法官肯尼认可了罗哈纳的悔罪表现,并指出后者很幸运地避免了牢狱之灾,同时谴责道,“你在案件中的举止令人愤慨,坦白讲,令人作呕。” 法官表示,“全世界的人看了都会说,‘是啊,那些个美国人,对什么都不尊重。’”
But while Kenney credited Rohana for his contrition, the judge noted that he was lucky he wasn't facing jail time. "Your conduct in this case was absolutely outrageous — quite frankly, sickening," he said. "Everybody around the world looks at this and says, 'Yep, that's those Americans. No respect for nothing.'"
Known as "The Cavalryman", the warrior is worth $4.5 million. The Shaanxi Cultural Heritage Promotion Center, which loaned 10 of the terra-cotta sculptures to the American museum, said it was the first such incident in more than four decades of organizing overseas exhibitions.
During Wednesday's sentencing, Assistant US Attorney KT Newton acknowledged Rohana might not have set out to spark an international incident, but his actions caused permanent damage to "the cultural exchange between nations".
It cost the Qin Shi Huang Imperial Mausoleum Museum more than $25,000 to repair the statue, she said, and The Cavalryman has since been pulled from public exhibition.
"Michael Rohana's actions not only caused irreversible damages to the terra-cotta warrior itself, but also endangered the inheritance of human civilization," administrators at the Shaanxi History Museum in China wrote in a letter to the judge.
irreversible damages 不可逆的损伤
综合来源:中新网 观察者网 NBC 费城询问报
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