【Blue Cash 系列也有这个条款了】AmEx Delta 系列新增开卡奖励限制:高年费卡将影响低年费卡奖励

【Blue Cash 系列也有这个条款了】AmEx Delta 系列新增开卡奖励限制:高年费卡将影响低年费卡奖励


【2023.10 更新】  

Blue Cash 系列也有类似的条款了。  

AmEx Blue Cash Everyday (BCE)($0 年费)的 offer terms:  

You may not be eligible to receive the welcome offer, intro APRs, and intro plan fees if you have or have had this Card, the Cash Magnet®Card, the Blue Cash Preferred® Card, the Morgan Stanley Blue Cash Preferred® American Express Card or previous versions of this Card.  

AmEx Blue Cash Preferred (BCP)($0 年费)的 offer terms:  

You may not be eligible to receive the welcome offer, intro APRs, and intro plan fees if you have or have had this Card, the Morgan Stanley Blue Cash Preferred® American Express Card, or previous versions of these Cards.  

和Delta系列的限制一样:持有过高年费版本,将无法获得比它年费更低的同系列卡奖励。  暂时这个条款还没有扩散到其他系列,但是这样下去,哪天继续拓展也不意外了。


运通 (American Express, AmEx) 大家熟知的开卡奖励限制是:正在持有,或已经持有过某张卡,将无法再获得此卡的开卡奖励。这个限制只针对单卡,对同系列其它卡没有影响。但是最近看起来情况有了变化。

Delta 个人卡系列新的限制

根据 Frequent Miler 等博主的消息,现在持有或持有过一张 AmEx Delta 信用卡,或许会影响将来你申请其它 AmEx Delta 联名卡。更明确的说:持有过高年费版本,将无法获得比它年费更低的同系列卡奖励。

我们看看官网最新的 offer terms 是如何写的,年费从低到高的顺序(仅截取了最关键部分):

You may not be eligible to receive a welcome offer if you have or have had this Card, the Delta SkyMiles® Options Credit Card, the Delta SkyMiles® Gold American Express Card, the Delta SkyMiles® Platinum American Express Card, the Delta SkyMiles® Reserve American Express Card or previous versions of these Cards.

You may not be eligible to receive a welcome offer if you have or have had this Card, the Delta SkyMiles® Platinum American Express Card, the Delta SkyMiles® Reserve American Express Card or previous versions of these Cards.

You may not be eligible to receive a welcome offer if you have or have had this Card, the Delta SkyMiles® Reserve American Express Card or previous versions of these Cards.

You may not be eligible to receive a welcome offer if you have or have had this Card or previous versions of this Card.

等级顺序非常清晰。有过高年费版本的将无法获得低年费版的奖励。与个人卡不同的是,AmEx Delta 商业卡系列暂无此类 once lifetime family language 限制条款。


这显然不是一个好的迹象。其实最近 AmEx 还刚刚对不同版本的白金卡也加了类似限制(见这篇文章),因此我们有理由相信,可能这类限制之后会逐渐推广到其它系列卡。对我们来说最关心的应该就是 Hilton 系列了:

还有 Marriott 系列的


同时,值得提醒的是,不同渠道、不同链接的卡对应的 offer terms 可能是不一样的,就像是有的卡没有 once per lifetime language 一样,或许之后也会有这类没有 once per lifetime family language 的链接出现,大家申请前一定要仔细查看条款。

H/T: FrequentMiler



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