不同版本的AmEx Platinum开始互相影响开卡奖励了
AmEx Platinum 信用卡有多个版本,现在还能申请的主要有以下3种:
AmEx Platinum 普通版
AmEx Platinum for Schwab
AmEx Platinum for Morgan Stanley
今天(2023/08/17)开始,AmEx 更改了条款,现在各个版本的白金卡开始互相影响开卡奖励了。以普通版白金卡为例,现在它的开卡奖励限制条款是这样的:
You may not be eligible to receive a welcome offer if you have or have had this Card, the Platinum Card® from American Express Exclusively for Charles Schwab, the Platinum Card® from American Express Exclusively for Morgan Stanley or previous versions of these Cards. You also may not be eligible to receive a welcome offer based on various factors, such as your history with credit card balance transfers, your history as an American Express Card Member, the number of credit cards that you have opened and closed and other factors. If you are not eligible for a welcome offer, we will notify you prior to processing your application so you have the option to withdraw your application.
HT: 美卡论坛 YCJHUO。