活动预告 | 清华-INSEAD双学位EMBA项目大师讲堂报名啦(上海)
Chinese Economy: Challenges and Opportunities
Time & Date
18:30-20:30 Tuesday
7 November, 2023
23F Floor, Building 4
1398, Kaixuan Road
Changning District, Shanghai
Prof. HUANG Zhangkai
Associate Professor, Department of Finance, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University
PhD, University of Oxford
The master class will discuss:
Technocrats at work: debt with Chinese characteristics
Policy U-turn and the implications
Breaking down the urban myth: the real competitiveness of the Chinese economy
Welcome to join us. Please register by scanning the below QR code.
TIEMBA is a unique and modular dual-degree programme that offers our participants the best of both institutions: one of China's most elite universities and one of the world's top international business schools. It is always an important part of the programme to combine theory together with practice, which leads the program to invite global executive leaders walking into the class.
Contact US
Room 317, Shunde Building
School of Economics and Management
Tsinghua University
Beijing, China 100084
Tel: +8610 6279 6274/5799
Email: [email protected]