The Beijing Forestry University's dining hall recently introduced a new and affordable dish that has garnered widespread praise on Chinese social media platforms.
The dish, called "半只鸡菌汤米线" (Half Chicken Mushroom Soup Rice Noodles), consists of half a chicken, rice noodles, and various ingredients such as shiitake mushrooms, all for the low price of 15 yuan.
Students who have tried the dish can't believe that they can enjoy such a delicious meal for only 15 yuan. After students posted pictures of the food on the internet, more and more netizens are praising the university for its thoughtful arrangements.
Since 2016, Nanjing University of Science and Technology has implemented a plan called "暖心饭卡" (Heartwarming meal card) to support financially disadvantaged students. This initiative involves discreetly providing subsidies to the campus cards of students from impoverished backgrounds.
Over the past eight years, a total of 26,515 students have received subsidies, with 60 batches of subsidies being issued.
In addition to these efforts, some universities also offer meals priced at 2 yuan, which actually cost 7-8 yuan, in order to reduce the living costs of both teachers and students.
猕猴桃哪家强 陕西眉县找徐香
皮薄肉厚 水润香甜
齿留余香 沁人心脾
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