参展商在贸易对接区谈生意 中国日报 商桢 摄
This year, at the China International Import Expo 2023(CIIE), a special "matchmaking zone" has appeared.
It is the "B2B meeting zone for small and medium enterprises" set up for the first time at the Exhibition Area of Food and Agricultural Products this year.
It covers approximately 500 square meters and invites professional purchasers related to e-commerce, supermarkets, and catering to directly engage in trade matching with those small and medium-sized exhibitors.
中小企业对接专场 中国日报 商桢 摄
Each country has different resources and comparative advantages. Only by actively participating in global resource allocation can we leverage each other's strengths, promote complementary development and achieve mutual benefit. This statement is no longer an abstract theory at the CIIE, but a reality for exhibitors from various countries.
法国参展商在推销他的干香肠 中国日报 商桢 摄
In this increasingly interconnected world, many people rely on online communication. However, after visiting the Expo, they might understand that face-to-face communication is still essential because it brings not only convenience but also a sincere intention to foster inclusiveness, mutual understanding, and cooperation. Traveling great distances to meet one another is itself a warm gesture.
猕猴桃哪家强 陕西眉县找徐香
皮薄肉厚 水润香甜
齿留余香 沁人心脾
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