





























让我们希望整个香港,从特首到普通市民,都支持科学和高等教育,年轻人纷纷努力学习科学和工程,特区政府加大对科学和高等教育的资助,金融机构加大对科技创新行业的投入,香港的文化积极融入科学成分,未来建成的香港不仅以科学为支撑自己的支柱, 而且能够为人类作贡献。




Let Science Shine

--Speech at 2023 Hong Kong Baptist University Ceremony


On behalf of my fellow honorees today, I would like to thank all faculty members and students at Hong Kong Baptist University for the honor you have just conferred upon us.


In 1985, I was in Hong Kong on my way to San Francisco. I saw Hong Kong for the first time. It was very different from the mainland China then, in many aspects. Over the last 38 years, the world has changed, particularly because China has changed a great deal. I came to Hong Kong through the small town of Shenzhen, whose first avenue was still under construction then. Now it rivals major global metropolitan cities.


In 2000, I moved the Gordon Research Conference on Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology to Hong Kong after founding it in Beijing in 1998. I observed science in Hong Kong through this biannual international science meeting for two decades.


From 2001 to 2003, I taught a week per spring for three years in Hong Kong and observed college students here.


Thus, not only have I had front-seat views of science and education in Hong Kong, but I also tried to contribute, in my own small ways, to both science and higher education of Hong Kong.


Using the above to claim that I have earned the right to be critical, I hope that you will excuse me if I state my opinions frankly.


It is unlikely that the British had much expectation for Hong Kong to contribute to science during colonial times. Hong Kong’s higher education structure was also not designed for that purpose. It did not help that, for a long time, Hong Kong’s culture was not enthusiastic for developing science locally either.


After 1998, mainland China, especially Beijing and Shanghai, began to rise in science, first slowly and then quite obviously. We went through a period when some were arguing that science was useless to China and our development should rely on commercial models and financial institutions. I had to rebut those views for a few years. But those views disappeared when international pressure built up. It was clear that other countries were not going to let anyone else take a free ride. We have to improve the quality of our own higher education, and we have to improve our own science.


Hong Kong was making efforts during the same period, establishing new universities and elevating existing colleges and universities. But, being slower in speed and smaller in scale, Hong Kong lagged behind.


Why should anyone care about science in Hong Kong? In the views of myself and some others, science can be pivotal to places like Hong Kong. Take Switzerland as an example. It is similar to Hong Kong in population size, limited resources and hardworking people. It recognized its strength and weakness two hundred years ago and placed science and higher education among its top priorities. It developed strength in physics which has produced scientific giants such as Albert Einstein and contributed to its precision manufacturing at the same time. It developedstrength in chemistry and biology which has produced scientists who discovered DNA and, at the same time, 2 of the top 10 global pharmaceutical companies in Basel, a city with approximately 170, 000 people.


Modern times have shown repeatedly that science supported by higher education can be an engine driving the prosperity of cities and countries alike.


7 weeks ago, I attended the ceremony of Future Science Prizes, whose scientific committee I co-founded 8 years ago. This is the first year when our ceremony was held in Hong Kong. The CEO of Hong Kong seemed to be quite supportive. It is a good sign that Hong Kong has accepted the idea that science and higher education are crucial for its future.


Let’s hope that Hong Kong, the entire Hong Kong, from the leadership to the people, will all support science and higher education so that the future Hong Kong will not only use science as a pillar to support itself but also to contribute to humankind.


Again, my gratitude, and best wishes to all of you at HKBU and in Hong Kong.



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