一些人关注日常任务,而另一些人关注目标及其实现途径。我发现这两者之间的差异与直觉型和感知型之间的差异很像。关注目标、”设想“能力强的人能看到逐渐变化的大局,也更有可能做出有意义的改变,以及预估未来的事件。这些目标导向的人能从日常任务中跳出来,思考当前在做什么、做得如何。他们最适合创造新事物(新组织、新项目等),管理频繁变化的组织。因为视野宽阔、通观全局,所以他们通常会成为最能勾画蓝图的领导者。 而关注日常任务的人更善于管理没什么变化、按部就班的事物。任务导向的人倾向于参考已经存在的东西,做出渐进的改变。他们不会快速地偏离现状,在突发事件面前更可能措手不及。另一方面,他们通常非常可靠。虽然看起来他们的关注点比宏观思考者更狭隘,但他们的角色同样重要。如果我不与善于处理细节的人合作,我肯定出不了《原则》这本书,也实现不了任何有价值的东西。 Some people are focused on daily tasks while others are focused on their goals and how to achieve them. I’ve found these differences to be quite similar to the differences between people who are intuitive vs. sensing. Those who tend to focus on goals and “visualize” best can see the big pictures over time and are also more likely to make meaningful changes and anticipate future events. These goal-oriented people can step back from the day-to-day and reflect on what and how they’re doing. They are the most suitable for creating new things (organizations, projects, etc.) and managing organizations that have lots of change. They typically make the most visionary leaders because of their ability to take a broad view and see the whole picture. In contrast, those who tend to focus on daily tasks are better at managing things that don’t change much or that require processes to be completed reliably. Task-oriented people tend to make incremental changes that reference what already exists. They are slower to depart from the status quo and more likely to be blindsided by sudden events. On the other hand, they’re typically more reliable. Although it may seem that their focus is narrower than higher-level thinkers, the roles they play are no less critical. I would never have gotten this book out or accomplished hardly anything else worthwhile if I didn’t work with people who are wonderful at taking care of details.