


“沼泽中的圣迈克尔”教堂 Church of St. Michael on Barje Marshlands
摄 影 Photograph: Matevž Paternoster (MGML)



周二至周日TUE to SUN,10:30 am 至 7:00 pm


Close on Monday


URBANCROSS Gallery | 城市交集


1848 Mid. Huaihai Road, Xuhui, Shanghai


Špela Spanzel(文化部)

Matevž Celik(MAO)

Blaž Persin(MGML)


Natalija Lapajne,(MAO)

Ana Porok,(MGML)


Andrej Hrausky 

Špela Spanžel

Natalija Lapajne (简介)



Darja Horvatič


Jeff Bickert


Metej Koren Studio


Matevž Paternoster (MGML)

Jagoda Jejčič


普列赤涅克收藏馆 MGML 记载

MGML Documentation, Plečnik Collection

展览项目: 2017年,展品更新: 2022年

Exhibition Project: 2017, Exhibition Update: 2022


莫万莉 Wanli Mo



In 2022 we are celebrating the Plečnik year to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the birth of the Slovenian architect Jože Plečnik. But our recognition and appreciation of his creations is not limited solely to a moment in time and space because his work touches the very universality and timelessness recognizable to all attentive observers. 


Characterized by the remains of the Roman period and particularly by Baroque style architecture, Ljubljana received its first modern urban design, a work of Plečnik’s contemporary Maks Fabiani, after the earthquake in 1895. From being a sleepy provincial town it transformed into a modern Art Nouveau style capital displaying new aesthetic ideals.


It took Plečnik nearly three decades to put his vision of Ljubljana into reality. Faced with an already built-up space, he redesigned and upgraded it, and between 1921 and 1957 he filled its city grid with a number of impressive buildings.

国家及大学图书馆 地址:特加斯卡路1号 卢布尔雅那大学委托
1930至1940年设计 1936至1941年建造
DESIGN 1930-1940 CONSTRUCTION 1936-1941


The National and University Library, the Garden of All Saints – Žale, the St. Francis Church in Šiška, and the Ljubljanica bridges are some of his most important interventions within the city. The land axis leading from his house in Trnovo to the Congress Square and the Zvezda Park in the city center represents the city’s cultural avenue. The water axis comprises the arrangement of the Ljubljanica basin, starting with the Trnovski pristan embankment, continuing with the Ljubljanica embankments in the city center, the Cobblers Bridge, the Triple Bridge and the main market, and ending in the sluice gates. With the reconstruction of the embankments and bridges, and with the placing of trees and other vegetation, which he regarded as an important architectural tool, Plečnik lent the city on the Ljubljanica a Mediterranean character. The third axis connected the Jakopič Promenade in the Tivoli Park and the Ljubljana Castle on the Castle Hill. The Garden of All Saints, a part of today’s Žale Cemetery, represents a special place: it is Plečnik’s expression of extreme sensitivity and respect for the citizens of Ljubljana. He transformed the city to such an extent that today we see it as »Plečnik’s Ljubljana«, a unique phenomenon of urban planning and a 20th century total work of art. 

三重桥 卢布尔雅那市政府委托

TRIPLE BRIDGE, COMMISSIONED BY Municipality of Ljubliana

1929至1931年设计 1930至1932年建造

DESIGN 1929-1931  CONSTRUCTION 1930-1932


In parallel with the Slovenian capital, Plečnik was also active in Prague where his renovations of the Prague Castle, commissioned by the President Masaryk, and his design for the Church of the Most Sacred Heart of Our Lord became a source of inspiration for many Czech architects. In addition to the early works in Vienna, where he designed the Zacherl House and the Church of the Holy Spirit, the architect made a number of for churches in Belgrade and Dalmatia, and monasteries in Sarajevo, Zagreb and Osijek. His works can be also found in many Slovenian towns.


Contrary to the trends in architecture at the beginning of the twentieth century, in particular the domineering modernist style, Plečnik developed his own architectural language. His distinctive approach to the re-interpretation of architectural heritage and his extremely rich symbolism include the elements of timeless architecture. With this approach, he upgrades and reinterprets the space, while at the same modernizes it and looks for the new ways to utilize its traditional functions. His architecture offers universal solutions for big issues of different generations and thus remains always relevant.


To ensure the international recognition of the architect's work, Slovenian experts, institutions and communities under the leadership of the Ministry of Culture have joined efforts in the preparation of the nomination for the UNESCO World Heritage List. In 2021, the World Heritage Committee adopted the decision to include Plečnik's Ljubljana on the list of heritage considered to be of outstanding value to humanity. The newly inscribed World Heritage property thus consists of public spaces and institutions that have been subtly integrated into the existing urban, cultural, and natural contexts to create a new identity for the city and answer the needs of its residents.



With the fall of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy after World War I (1918), many new states emerged, and Slovenia found itself a part of the new State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs, or what would later become the Kingdom of Yugoslavia (1929). With this, the long-standing aspirations towards a Slavic state were fulfilled.


Slavic architects, many of whom had studied under professor Otto Wagner in Vienna, saw Wagner’s architecture as an expression of German culture. With the emergence of new national states, they turned away from their former master and attempted to develop an original architectural style with a national point of view. At the time, the principal advocate of such style was Ivan Vurnik, the founder of the Faculty of Architecture in Ljubljana. Jože Plečnik, whom Vurnik had invited to be a professor at the faculty, contrasted Vurnik’s national romantic architecture with his own interpretation of classical regionalism. Plečnik, along with Joseph Maria Olbrich and Josef Hoffmann, was one of the most talented of Otto Wagner’s students. Already before World War I he designed buildings in Vienna, the most important being Zacherl House (1905). The academy in Vienna even nominated Plečnik as Wagner’s successor, but for political reasons the nomination was not approved. In 1911, Plečnik moved to Prague where in 1920 President Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk appointed him the architect in charge of the renovation of the Prague Castle for purposes of the new democtratic state. Despite this prestigious position, Plečnik was ready to return to his home country. Back home he tried to implement his own vision of Ljubljana as the nation’s capital. With the National and University Library, All Saints Garden – the Žale Cemetery, the Church of St. Francis in Šiška and bridges over the Ljubljanica river, to name only his most important interventions, the city deserves to be called Plečnik’s Ljubljana. Rather than following trends in contemporary architecture, the architect followed his own path. He wanted his work to be understood by people, so he used the language of classical architectural elements. His interventions in the city were recognizable and gradual, most of them with only limited financial resources at his disposal. In order to save money to architecturally enrich the interiors, Plečnik used cheaper materials: sand, cements slabs and old stones.

普列赤涅克之家 地址: 卡鲁诺瓦路4-6号 由普列赤涅克家族委托

PLEČNIK HOUSE, ADDRESS Karunova ulica 4-6, COMMISSIONED BY Plečnik family

1921至1923年设计 1923至1930年建造

DESIGN 1921-1923 CONSTRUCTION 1923-1930


History knows several cases of a city designed by a single architect. In most cases such a scenario involved building a new city (Brasilia: Lúcio Costa, Oscar Niemeyer) or a post-war renovation (Le Havre: Auguste Perret), but in Ljubljana, Plečnik intervened in an existing city, redesigning it for decades in order to highlight its existing qualities. To make the city more remarkable, he designed streets, squares and parks, and placed new buildings into the existing street grid. He was aware of the importance of contact between the city and the river, so he established the Ljubljanica river as one of the city’s guiding urban motifs. In his interventions, he acknowledged the efforts of older generations and tried to reuse the old elements so that they could, at least symbolically, continue living in his new designs. While during his young years in Vienna he was a part of the avant-garde, and in Prague he produced monumental designs, in Ljubljana he managed to use relatively modest funds to transform the city into the capital of Slovenes. Today, when we are faced with the impotence of modern urbanism, his decades-long designing of Ljubljana represents a unique and unparalleled achievement.





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