北京时间2022年10月5日17时45分(斯德哥尔摩时间2022年10月5日11时45分),2022年诺贝尔化学奖获奖名单公布,获奖者为:Carolyn R. Bertozzi,Morten Meldal 和 K. Barry Sharpless,他们因“对点击化学和生物正交化学发展作出的贡献”而获奖。
出生于1966年,1993年在加州大学伯克利分校获得化学博士学位。美国国家科学院院士,美国国家发明家科学院院士,美国加利福尼亚州斯坦福大学 Anne T. 和 Robert M. Bass 教授。
丹麦有机化学家,哥本哈根大学教授。1954 年生于丹麦,于丹麦技术大学(DTU)获得化学工程学士博士学位。主要研究领域为组合化学和多肽化学。此外,也作为以铜催化叠氮和炔烃环加成反应为关键反应的点击化学的共同开发者而闻名。
美国化学家。1941年4月28日生于美国宾夕法尼亚州费城,1968年获得美国斯坦福大学博士学位。现任美国斯克利普斯研究所W. M. Keck讲座教授、中科院上海有机化学研究所特聘教授。美国艺术与科学院院士、美国国家科学院院士。其对不对称合成的研究广为人知,较有名的化学反应包括夏普莱斯不对称环氧化反应和夏普莱斯不对称双羟基化反应等。近年来,由其引入的点击化学合成理念在学界产生了较大影响。
It just says click – and the molecules are coupled together
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2022 is about making difficult processes easier. Barry Sharpless and Morten Meldal have laid the foundation for a functional form of chemistry – click chemistry – in which molecular building blocks snap together quickly and efficiently. Carolyn Bertozzi has taken click chemistry to a new dimension and started utilising it in living organisms.Chemists have long been driven by the desire to build increasingly complicated molecules. In pharmaceutical research, this has often involved artificially recreating natural molecules with medicinal properties. This has led to many admirable molecular constructions, but these are generally time consuming and very expensive to produce.“This year’s Prize in Chemistry deals with not overcomplicating matters, instead working with what is easy and simple. Functional molecules can be built even by taking a straightforward route,” says Johan Åqvist, Chair of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry.Barry Sharpless – who is now being awarded his second Nobel Prize in Chemistry – started the ball rolling. Around the year 2000, he coined the concept of click chemistry, which is a form of simple and reliable chemistry, where reactions occur quickly and unwanted by-products are avoided.Shortly afterwards, Morten Meldal and Barry Sharpless – independently of each other – presented what is now the crown jewel of click chemistry: the copper catalysed azide-alkyne cycloaddition. This is an elegant and efficient chemical reaction that is now in widespread use. Among many other uses, it is utilised in the development of pharmaceuticals, for mapping DNA and creating materials that are more fit for purpose.Carolyn Bertozzi took click chemistry to a new level. To map important but elusive biomolecules on the surface of cells – glycans – she developed click reactions that work inside living organisms. Her bioorthogonal reactions take place without disrupting the normal chemistry of the cell.These reactions are now used globally to explore cells and track biological processes. Using bioorthogonal reactions, researchers have improved the targeting of cancer pharmaceuticals, which are now being tested in clinical trials.Click chemistry and bioorthogonal reactions have taken chemistry into the era of functionalism. This is bringing the greatest benefit to humankind.
诺贝尔化学奖旨在奖励那些在化学领域里作出突出贡献的科学家。自1901-2021年,诺贝尔化学奖已授予188位获奖者,其中,弗雷德里克·桑格(Frederick Sanger)是唯一一位获得过两次诺贝尔化学奖的人,分别在1958年和1980年。因此1901年以来共187人获得诺贝尔化学奖,其中7位是女性。诺贝尔化学奖最年轻的得主是弗雷德里克·约里奥-居里(Frédéric Joliot),1935年,他与妻子伊雷娜·约里奥-居里(Irène Joliot-Curie)一同获奖,当时他年仅35岁。最年长的诺贝尔化学奖得主是约翰·古迪纳夫,他在2019年获得化学奖时已经97岁。