



The World Health Assembly (WHA), the highest decision-making body of the World Health Organization (WHO), decided on Monday not to include in its agenda a proposal on Taiwan's participation in the annual assembly as an observer.




On May 27, the General Committee and the Plenary Session of the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA) respectively decided to reject the so-called proposal of "inviting Taiwan to participate in the WHA as an observer" submitted by certain countries. This has been the eighth year in a row that the WHA has rejected the so-called proposal concerning Taiwan. China's position on Taiwan-related issues at the WHA is widely understood and supported by the international community. Over 100 countries explicitly expressed support for China's position by writing to the WHO Director-General and through other means. This fully demonstrates that the one-China principle is where global opinion trends and the arc of history bends, and must not be challenged.


The Chinese central government attaches great importance to the health and well-being of our compatriots in Taiwan. Taiwan's medical and health experts can participate in WHO technical meetings under the prerequisite that the one-China principle is upheld. Over the past year alone, medical and technical experts from China's Taiwan region took part in WHO technical activities 21 times, which involved 24 participants, and all the applications were approved by the central government. There is an International Health Regulations Contact Point in the Taiwan region for it to promptly access and report to the WHO concerning information related to health emergencies. The Taiwan region has sufficient and unimpeded channels to participate in the technical communication and cooperation in the WHO. There is no such thing as a "gap" in global anti-epidemic efforts. Compared with a handful of countries' political manipulation that trumpets Taiwan's participation in the WHA, the central government's proper arrangement and concrete actions demonstrate real meaning and sincerity for the livelihood and well-being of our compatriots in Taiwan.


Once again we would like to make it clear to the DPP authorities: the abiding commitment of the international community to the one-China principle is unshakable and the trend that China will be reunified is not to be reversed. "Taiwan independence" runs contrary to the interests of our compatriots in Taiwan, and any attempt to seek "Taiwan independence" by relying on external forces leads nowhere. Meanwhile, we urge certain countries to stop distorting and challenging UNGA Resolution 2758, stop fudging and hollowing out the one-China principle, stop politicizing health issues, and stop interfering in China's internal affairs by exploiting the Taiwan question. Using Taiwan to contain China will only end in failure.

来源:央视新闻 新华社 外交部网站

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