九大投行|Morgan Stanley 2023 Cross Risk Analyst Programme正在进行中!

九大投行|Morgan Stanley 2023 Cross Risk Analyst Programme正在进行中!


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Morgan Stanley


摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley,NYSE:MS),财经界俗称"大摩",是一家成立于美国纽约的国际金融服务公司,提供包括证券、资产管理、企业合并重组和信用卡等多种金融服务,在全球27个国家的600多个城市有代表处,雇员总数达6万多人。

招聘要求 …

  • 开放职位:Cross Risk Analyst
  • 工作地点:London
  • 截止日期:November, 27, 2022 at 23:59 GMT

职位描述 …

  • Credit Risk Management (“CRM”) determines risk appetite, approves and manages credit and counterparty risks on an industry, client, geography and transaction basis. The CRM team assigns Internal Credit Ratings to our client base; establishes and manages credit risk limits in accordance with the risk tolerance established by the Board; monitors and reports on credit risk exposures on a regular basis to the Chief Risk Officer and senior management. CRM also interacts with business units to ensure that credit risk assessments are factored into business decisions.

  • The Market Risk Management Division (“MRD”) is responsible for the independent identification, analysis, reporting and escalation of all market risk exposures arising from EMEA business activities, acting independently of business management and providing an effective challenge process.

  • Operational Risk Management Division (“ORD”) refers to the risk of financial or other loss, or potential damage to a firm’s reputation, resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people, systems, or from external events (e.g., fraud, legal and compliance risks or damage to physical assets). The Firm may incur operational risk across the full scope of its business activities, including revenue-generating activities (e.g., sales and trading) and control groups (e.g., information technology and trade processing

  • Liquidity Risk Management Department (“LRD”) is responsible for the oversight of the Firm’s ability to survive adverse, idiosyncratic and market-related liquidity shocks. LRD’s mandate includes liquidity risk assessment and identification, limit setting and enforcement, business strategy challenge, liquidity reserve model methodology oversight, and communication of liquidity risks to senior management and the Board.

  • Model Risk Management (“MRM”) is responsible for the Firm’s model risk management framework and independently oversees model risk. As mandated by the Global Model Risk Management Policy, MRM establishes standards for the identification, development, validation and use of models, independently validates and certifies the Firm’s models, and reports and monitors model risk in adherence to the Firm’s risk appetite.

  • Risk Analytics develops credit risk analytics, market risk analytics, platform delivery risk analytics, and scenario analytics models providing quantitative analysis on the Firm's risk exposures. By developing mathematical and statistical models with risk overlays, Risk Analytics calculates the risks associated with specified sets of financial positions and day-to-day operations.

  • Risk COO: The Risk Chief Operating Office (“Risk COO”) department comprises of several teams that partner across risk areas to deliver strategic and regulatory-driven initiatives. Teams include Risk Capital, Stress Testing & Portfolio Risk, Risk Governance, Cross-Risk Projects, Risk COO and Risk Reporting teams.

任职资格 …

  • Final-year Bachelor’s or Master’s student graduating in 2022/2023 and on track to achieve a minimum of 2.1 honours degree or equivalent in any degree discipline (including STEM/MORSE degrees)

  • Intellectually curious about risk management, financial products, markets and regulation

  • Show an ability to analyze and synthesize a variety of data to produce well-designed and meaningful summaries and reports

  • Strong attention to detail, project management and prioritization skills will also be key in balancing daily deadlines with timely implementation of strategic projects

  • Demonstrate flexibility and collaboration when solving problems and balancing multiple high priority deliverables

  • Familiarity with Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint and Word (advanced skills a plus)


发送关键字 1012 九大投行



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