莱镇图书馆科学沙龙--2022 年欧洲发明家奖得主麻省理工教授聊再生能源的储存
莱镇 Cary 图书馆很荣幸地能在本周的 Science Café 科学沙龙论坛上替我们邀请到了这样一位集世界一流的科学家、教育家和创新者于一身的学者,麻省理工学院材料科学与工程系的 Donald Sadoway 教授和大家面对面的在图书馆的大厅分享他的经历和创新。
Solving the "Unsolvable" Problem of
Renewable Energy Storage
Donald Sadoway 教授
2022年10月13日 周四
Thursday, October 13,2022
Living Room Cary Memorial Library1874 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA, 02420
Sadoway 教授于 1950 年出生于加拿大多伦多。他在多伦多大学攻读化学冶金学本科和研究生学位,并于 1977 年获得博士学位。他于 1978 年以博士后身份来到麻省理工学院,并成为他目前所在部门的助理教授。
Sadoway 教授作为教育工作者的才华可以从他教授数十年的热门本科课程中看出:3.091固态化学导论。这门课程也可以通过 YouTube 上的 MIT OpenCourseware 观看,它是MIT 所有本科生为满足毕业要求而学习的三门入门化学课程之一,也不可否认的说,它是最受欢迎的课程。比尔·盖茨本人亲眼目睹了这些讲座,并非常喜欢它们,称它们是“难以置信的!世界上最好的化学课。” 在授课中,Sadoway 教授穿插莎士比亚名言,播放不同的歌曲以强调不同的讲座主题,并突出科学史的一些花絮。他有趣的教学方式让他多次获得教学奖项。
Sadoway 教授的研究重点是盐、聚合物和金属的化学和电化学及其在环境可持续产品中的应用。他发表了 175 篇研究论文和 35 项专利,涵盖锂离子电池用固体聚合物电解质、从矿石中电化学提取金属以及用于储能的液态金属电池等主题。这些发明卓现了他作为科学家和工程师的创造力和综合能力。正是如此,他获得了无数荣誉和奖项,如2022年欧洲发明家奖和 2012 年《时代》杂志全球最具影响力 100 人之一。
作为一名创新者,Sadoway 教授将他的研究成果分离并运用到了许多初创公司中。最新的和最近备受关注的是 Ambri 和 Avanti,它们都利用普通金属的电化学来制造电池。
[Ambri 用液态钙和锑制造电池,以连接到电网。与锂离子电池不同,这些液态金属电池在所有温度下均具有高性能、不易燃且可连续使用 20 年以上。结合太阳能或风能,它承诺提供 100% 可再生电网,可以 24x7 持续供电,并已经接近商业化的阶段。另一方面Avanti 依赖铝和硫磺,可以包装在较小尺寸的产品中,例如用于电动汽车。]
凭借对工作的奉献精神和数不胜数的成功的经历,Sadoway 教授成为了一位有趣且引人入胜的演讲者。
Donald Sadoway,2022年欧洲发明家奖(European Inventor Award 2022)。图片来源:Todd Wilson
Sponsored by the Cary Library Foundation.
Presented in partnership with the Town of Lexington’s Sustainability & Resilience Office, Lexington Climate Action Network (LexCAN), and Mothers Out Front.
In collaboration with Ashland Public Library, Dedham Public Library, Randall Library (Stowe), Rowley Public Library, and Watertown Free Public Library.
我是在Cary 图书馆基金会的董事会和 Cary 图书馆的 Science Cafe科学沙龙小组委员会任职。 我是负责收集和建议新的科技主题并邀请演讲者团队的一员。
为了筹备这次讲座,我同Sadoway 教授的交流,从2022 年 1 月就开始了。我通过电邮多次与Sadoway 教授就讲座的内容细节进行沟通,因为教授特别忙,所以这次讲座非常来之不易。我一直对新型能源生产和存储技术感兴趣。 Sadoway 教授使用常用金属制造电池的方法给我留下了特别深刻的印象。通过其创新的产品,他精确地表达自己观点的能力为其他科学家树立了榜样。下面是我为本次讲座特别撰写的关于Sadoway 教授英文版介绍:
It is a rare occurrence that one can meet a scientist, an educator or an innovator who is world-class in his craft. It is rarer still to meet one person who is all three. Professor Donald Sadoway, from MIT’s Department of Materials Science and Engineering, is such a person and The Cary Library is proud to host him in our Science Café forum this week.
Professor Sadoway was born in 1950 in Toronto, Canada. He studied at the University of Toronto for his undergraduate and graduate degrees in Chemical Metallurgy, obtaining his PhD in 1977. He came to MIT in 1978 as a postdoctoral fellow and became an assistant professor in the same department he currently is in.
Professor Sadoway’s talent as an educator can be seen in the popular undergraduate course that he has been teaching for decades: 3.091 Introduction to Solid State Chemistry. This course, which can also be watched though the MIT OpenCourseware on YouTube, is one of the three introductory chemistry class options to be taken by all undergraduates at MIT to satisfy their graduation requirement, and arguably the most popular. Bill Gates himself saw the lectures and highly enjoyed them, saying they are “[the] best chemistry lessons anywhere. Unbelievable.” Professor Sadoway interweaves quotes from Shakespeare, plays different songs to emphasize different lecture themes and highlights some tidbits of science history. It is no wonder that he has won several teaching awards throughout the years.
Professor Sadoway’s research focus is on the chemistry and electrochemistry of salts, polymers and metals and their applications in environmentally sustainable products. His 175 research publications and 35 patents cover such topics as solid polymer electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries, electrochemical extraction of metals from their ores and liquid metal battery for on-grid power storage. These inventions markedly show his creativity and versatility as both a scientist and an engineer. As such, he has won numerous honours and awards, such as being one of Time 100 Most Influential People in the World in 2012and European Inventor Award in 2022.
As an innovator, Professor Sadoway has spun off his reseachfindings into a number of start-up companies. The latest and the ones that have garnered much attention lately, are Ambri and Avanti, both utilizing the electrochemistry of common metals to make batteries. [Ambri manufactures batteries out of liquid calcium and antimony to be connected to the electrical grid. Unlike lithium ion batteries, these liquid metal batteries are high performing at all temperatures, non-flammable and last more than 20 years of continuous use. Combined with solar or wind, it promises a 100% renewable electrical grid that can supply continuous electricity 24x7. It is close to commercialization. Avanti, on the other hand, relies on aluminium and sulfur, and can be packaged in smaller sized products such as for the electric vehicle.]
With such dedication to his work and accolades that punctuate his success, Professor Sadoway makes for an interesting and engaging speaker. We look forward to hearing his share his experience and wish you to come along the journey.
Chinese American Association
of Lexington
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