【美坛综艺秀】No Jobs, no job; No Mac, no me!
This year marks the 12th anniversary of the death of the founder of Apple Computer. Regarding the story of Steve Jobs, let alone North America, the whole world will know Steve Jobs even if they don’t know who the President of the United States is. Because no matter where you go now, almost everyone in the world is holding an iPhone (or iPad). I think it is not an exaggeration to say that everyone is holding a small "monument" to Steve Jobs.
Although people from all walks of life have experienced all kinds of things, they usually say that they have met noble people to help them. Indeed, life is inseparable from society. Everyone receives guidance at different stages in all aspects. me, too.However, what really changed my destiny was a small "machine". 30 years ago, I met Macintosh at job, and "Jobs" unexpectedly determined the rest of my life.
I was originally a literature and history major, but I was lucky enough to catch the wave of the IT trend (I dare not say surfing) and have been doing it for 15 years. I reluctantly changed careers just to have a winter and summer vacation, and thus rushed into it again to education sector. All because I got to know Macintosh.
It can be said that without Apple, I would not be where I am today. Even when I entered the education field later, those 15 years of practical experience made me unexpectedly rush from the company to the school by helicopter or what is called a "parachute". If I can say that, the Mac is my professional helicopter and parachute. Thank you, Macintosh! Thanks, Jobs!
The picture below shows the different periods and types of Macintoshes:
(中文)今年是苹果电脑创始人逝世12周年。 关于乔布斯的故事,别说北美了,全世界就算不知道美国总统是谁,也会知道乔布斯。 因为现在无论你走到哪里,世界上几乎每个人都拿着 iPhone(或 iPad)。 我想,毫不夸张地说,每个人都为乔布斯举着一座小小的“纪念碑”。
各行各业的人虽然经历了种种事情,但通常都会说遇到了贵人来帮助自己。 确实,生活离不开社会。 每个人在不同阶段都会得到各方面的指导。 我也是。然而,真正改变我命运的却是一台小小的“机器”。 30年前,我在工作中遇见了Macintosh,“乔布斯”意外地决定了我的余生。
我本来是文史专业的,但有幸赶上了IT潮流的浪潮(不敢说冲浪),一干就是15年。 我无奈转行,只是为了有个寒暑假,于是又冲进了教育行业。 这一切都是因为我结识了 Macintosh。
可以说,没有苹果,就没有我的今天。 即使后来进入教育领域,那15年的实践经验也让我出乎意料地乘坐直升机或者所谓的“降落伞”从公司赶到学校。 如果我可以这么说,Mac 就是我的专业直升机和降落伞。 感谢,麦金塔! 感恩,乔布斯!
去年9月8日从柏林飞往伦敦,得知伊丽莎白二世辞世的消息后,立即赶到白金汉宫前的广场(by iphon 8)
柏林/波茨坦市途中偶遇,造访参观(by iphon 8)