楼主 (北美华人网)
我女儿上个月洗牙的时候(牙齿见图),dentist建议去整牙,还说ASAP。她现在还剩下一个牙没换完。这些天看了两个医生,都是fb local群大力推荐的,都是很多年经验,价格都差不多。
医生的message She has a mild Class II, division 1 malocclusion on the left, with an excessive overjet of 6.5 mm and a deep impinging overbite of 50% She is in the late mixed dentition and has adequate space in both dental arches. Tooth #55 is still present and will likely exfoliate in the coming months. Dental age is advanced, and tooth #25 is currently erupting and is rotated about 60 degrees Mouthbreathing and snoring have been reported
医生的message She has a mild Class II, division 1 malocclusion on the left, with an excessive overjet of 6.5 mm and a deep impinging overbite of 50% She is in the late mixed dentition and has adequate space in both dental arches. Tooth #55 is still present and will likely exfoliate in the coming months. Dental age is advanced, and tooth #25 is currently erupting and is rotated about 60 degrees Mouthbreathing and snoring have been reported