楼主 (北美华人网)
昨天在人行道上溜狗,一白男50多的样子骑车过来,我一手拿着手机另一只手没能及时把狗拉近点儿,结果那白男不得不下车停住,那SOB立马就嚷我的狗挡了他的道 我:this is not bike lane, the bike lane is over there, you are not supposed to ride on the sidewalk. People walk dogs on sidewalk. 他:I’m going to punch you 我不说话看着他到底想干嘛,那垃圾到也没来真的。 我:if you are talking seriously, the bike lane is there, not here, ride off, ride off. 那烂人气怏怏一边满嘴F 一边骑走了, 我:F you, F yourself. 回想起来我当时就应该把他视频下来当着他的面打911报告我受到攻击了。 来美39年第一次遇到这种疯子。