Now i know where my money is going, lol
楼主 (文学城)
xAI is said to be raising up to $6 billion in funding at a $50 billion valuation, with the funding expected to be used to purchase 100,000 GPUs from Nvidia $NVDA for its data center in Memphis.
xAI is said to be raising up to $6 billion in funding at a $50 billion valuation, with the funding expected to be used to purchase 100,000 GPUs from Nvidia $NVDA for its data center in Memphis.
我刚在楼下回了还是喜欢老黄的股票实在 LOL
It depends on your time horizon. Blackwell demand is super strong so NVDA stock should do well over a period of 6-9 months if that is your time window.
But if you want to bet on this earning and make a quick $$, there is a 50-50 risk where its forward guidance is shy of the "whisper number".
先问问自己,比旁边的人,有什么别人不知道的信息,市价还没有反映出来?否则最好的可能,就是50-50%瞎猜, 一半时间猜错,一半时间猜对。
再考虑进去,买卖价Spread,fees,和IRS提成(增值税),亏多赚少是必然的。Why Bother!除非有喜欢提前交税和多交税的癖好。