里尔克诗译: 最后的夜晚 - The Last Evening

里尔克诗译: 最后的夜晚 - The Last Evening





夜晚 远处车声隆隆

军队的专列正在驶出 奔赴战场

他从大提琴上抬起头来 继续着

手中的弹奏 看向对面的她



她的身上充满着 他小时候的影子 

那些影子 承载着他的忧伤




然后 突然间 镜面破碎 影像模糊

她站在窗前 有点心神不定

可以感觉到 她心脏鼓点般剧烈的跳动


他停止了演奏 有清冷的风从窗外吹来

镜子里的桌子上 怃然挺立着

陌生又怪异的 是黑色的军帽 

和上面 象牙色的骷髅


The last evening 

And night and distant rumbling; now the army's 
carrier-train was moving out, to war. 
He looked up from the harpsichord, and as 
he went on playing, he looked across at her 

almost as one might gaze into a mirror: 
so deeply was her every feature filled 
with his young features, which bore his pain and were 
more beautiful and seductive with each sound. 

Then, suddenly, the image broke apart. 
She stood, as though distracted, near the window 
and felt the violent drum-beats of her heart. 

His playing stopped. From outside, a fresh wind blew. 
And strangely alien on the mirror-table 
stood the black shako with its ivory skull. 

(Translated by Stephen Mitchell)


The last evening 

Night and the sound of distant transport as troop trains pulled out from the rail yard.
He looked up from the harpsichord, 
still playing, and glanced at her   almost as if he were peering into a mirror
filled with his own youthful features, 
knowing how they conveyed his sadness
more beautifully and seductively with every note. 
Then suddenly everything blurred.
She stood wearily at the bay window
and felt only the pounding of her heart. 
His phrase resolved. The wind outside blew cold.
And strange and alien on the mirrored table
stood the death’ s-head on his black-plumed helmet.


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来源: 文学城-cxyz