When will China begin to decline?

When will China begin to decline?


When will China begin to decline, what factors will probably cause China to decline?


Everything has a lifetime. Usually, we call this phenomenon a “life cycle”. A life cycle is “birth, growth, mature, and die”. It is called a cycle after “die”, it is replaced by another new thing.

China for five thousand years known the cycle phenomena. Chinese know that when life grows to mature, life will decline. To avoid decline, refuse to mature. Refusing to mature is not refusing to grow. It revitalizes life before it matures.

China is just doing that. It is called reform. Before China begin to decline, or before China reaches the stage of maturity, China reforms.

China already enters the path where reform has become a perpetual government agenda. As a result, China will never decline.

That's why all the predictions of the “China Collapse” failed time and again. By observing the trajectory, China is going to fall, however, China changes the trajectory through reform. Thanks to Western media which are very picky of any tiny faults of China, China knows all the shortcomings to be reformed. No country gets so much negative feedback as China does from the Western media. For a large system, negative feedback is a stabilizer. China keeps reforming and is very stable.

China's economy is the one that lasted the longest in history and in the world without a crash. China will never decline from now on.

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来源: 文学城-唵啊吽
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