Is the US going to crush China?

Is the US going to crush China?


Is the US going to crush China?

No. The US is trying to crush China technologically but will fail.

During the American Civil War, the South thought they were King Cotton. They thought they could suffocate the British industry when Britain did not support the South. They cut the cotton supply, made a spike in the cotton price, and panic in the London market. Yet the cotton supply chain was reestablished soon before the Confederate military lost the war.

The US thinks it is King Tech and can suffocate Huawei by cutting its supply chain of Huawei. This is making the same mistake as King Cotton did. The market is the most powerful force. If there is a demand, there will be a supply. If you do not supply the demand, the market will create a newcomer to fill the void.

Apparently, capitalist America does not believe in the market anymore. Trump is disrupting the world supply chain. The result is that the US will lose the position of King Tech, just as the South lost its position as King Cotton. The US abandons the market, and the market will abandon the US.

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来源: 文学城-唵啊吽
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