Will China become the strongest nation in the world?

Will China become the strongest nation in the world?


Will China become the strongest nation in the world?

No. When China becomes strongest, it will not be a nation. Xi has a vision of a Shared Future for Mankind. When China becomes the strongest, the whole Human Being becomes the strongest. Then we can address global issues such as climate change more effectively. 

China's economic growth will sustain. China is the only ancient civilization that survived till today and will last into the future. It means, under globalization, that Human evolution is merged into China's progress.

When China becomes strongest, it will not be a nation. It will be a Human civilization with all the people of the world.

Why one wants to have some nations strong and others weak? Why not strong together? Let the world follow China to build a Shared Future for Mankind.

A nation can be small or large, capable more or less. But All nations should be equal and deserve equal respect. 

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来源: 文学城-唵啊吽
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