

在一个讨论组里遭遇一个白左老头,因为我提出,住mobile home的居民对本地学校产生了不良影响,他对我进行疯狂人身攻击。这老头在本镇大学里工作,搂一眼他的Facebook就可以看出,此人是个超级左派。在我看来,超左的特点就是把自己当救世主,拿别人的钱去实现自己的装逼理想,超级虚伪。所谓mobile home,就是政府在闲置的空地上放几排铁皮屋,帮助所谓的低收入群体。在美国这个到处是机会的地方,低收入的主要原因就是自己懒惰,不求上进,或者是没有合法身份。那些虚伪的政客,嘴里叫喊着天下大同,人人平等,可是又有那个政客把这些铁皮屋安置在自己家的后院了?都是选择好欺负的社区。超左的另外一个特点,就是把自己的梦想当普世真理,但凡遇到一个想法不同的,就龇牙咧嘴连撕带咬狂吠不停(对不起,我侮辱狗了)。看了他混话,回骂了几句。看在朋友的面子上,怕把他气得心脏病发,没认真损他。
我提出对mobile home的改善建议是:凡是领政府补助,入住这里的人,每周需要带孩子去图书馆若干小时。搞不清楚这个建议刺激了白左哪根神经。这个建议是周日早上提出,看到老白左的话越还越不靠谱,我就以开车为理由闪人了。没想那个讨论组里争论了一整天,到了晚上,老白左骂别人的时候顺便还@我。以下是对话节选:
(1) 花在公共教育上的钱,也不知道是怎么花的。我女儿上的ESTES HILL小学,现在都烂成什么样子了,好像评分只有5分了。搞不懂。老师上课,基本上不管成绩上游的孩子,大部分时间都花在那些成绩不好,不怎么学习的孩子身上。这样对努力学习的孩子很不公平。公立学校,不管口号喊得怎么样,事实上是在压抑聪明孩子的天赋,平均化孩子的学术能力。口里喊的是高大上的口号,不让一个孩子落后,其实是让所有孩子都落后,共同落后。
(2)我觉得还是去打个零工,多赚点钱,送孩子去私立学校比较靠谱[Tongue]好在我小孩在读四年级,只需要在Estes再呆一年,就去读中学了。我对他们班的状况,是无语加无奈,在当前的社会风气下,无解。说句政治不正确的话,班上那些影响其他孩子学习的问题小孩,都是我们附近mobile home的小孩。那些小孩的爸妈,周末坐在门口聊天喝啤酒,也不会去送孩子去图书馆。帮助这些mobile home居民搬到我们这里的政治家们,应该不会住在mobile home附近。
(3)不是不能接纳mobile home。这些居民搬进来,事实上靠的是我们的税款帮助。他们住进来,享受了权利,也应该承担本镇居民对孩子教育的义务。好多小区都有自己的规定,让他们搬进来, 也应该有规矩,比如送孩子去图书馆的次数和时间。就算在中国农村,还有一个“乡约”呢,凡是搬进来的外来户,需要学习和遵守乡约
Believe what you want but you're obviously into some Fox News left vs right BS logic that is so off-base as to be totally ludicrous. I'll leave you toyour right-wing vs left-wing get nothing done idiocy. We have to see the WHOLE picture. I hate to be so dismissive but just go hide behind the walls of your gated upper-middleclass illusion of reality. You as @王有财  are living in denial of the real world and in total fear of the citizens. We're all timid, but I encourage you to face the world like a warrior. Face it, walk in it, feel it, smell it, touch it, and above all, communicate with it. You may find that the media have sold you an untruth but if you hide behind the walls of priviledge, you'll never, ever see the truth or that you've been overly fearful and raised your family to be all the more so. Y'all work this out. I can't believe supposedly educated people are so utterly blind.
Thanks for your assumptions and insults.
I think that you may draw conclusions on me too quickly. I did say a few words about local education and issues related to mobile home.  I reckon that my opinions might not be politically correct. But they are my true thinking. I believe that everyone has the right to express their opinions, no matter they are favored by the political righteousness or not. As a scientist like many others in this discussion group, I draw my conclusions based on the facts/data in my eyes. 
Of course, everyone is biased and limited in terms of observing our society. It is true to both you and me. I will not easily draw a conclusion on you about your whole social ideology based on what you said here. I do believe that you have many opinions and your utterances here are not about all of them. Similarly, I also have many opinions and you may just partially learn one or two of them. It is not rigorous to infer my social ideology just based such incomplete information. So, I respectively disagree what you said about me. But my ears are open to all kinds of ideas.
A waste of time. I say you're a scientist in degree only. As for facing All the facts, Ill stand behind my quick conclusions. You're as closed-minded as a barely educated white supremicist or fhetto gang banger. Sorry, but you sir, are no scientist of any reasinable repute. You probably, at best, work at a near masters technical level but I can't see you lon the leading edge of scientific or other academic thought. Go hide behind your very white-bread bland, look down 9n all not at your socuo-economic level. Sorry, but lived too long and too old to put up with very obvious closed-minded bullshit thinking and spewing shit rhetoric. 
You're arrogant, spoiled, look down on all working class no matter ethnicity or origin. You are no academic. You are absolutely no scientist. 
Good night. Ive had enough of this racist, socio-economic supremicist bullshit. Enjoy your supremicist fantasy while it lasts.
Pick up some words from you to end this unpleasant discussion:
(1) educated white supremicist
(2) A waste of time.
(3) closed-minded bullshit thinking and spewing shit rhetoric.
(4) You are absolutely no scientist.
(5) You are no academic.
(6) Good night. Ive had enough of this racist, socio-economic supremicist bullshit. 
(7) Enjoy your supremicist fantasy while it lasts.
Hi bro, do not fool yourself too much. You are not Messiah to anyone. 
All your utterances just prove one thing. You are trying to obtain admiration from Chinese immigrants here through guiding their social ideology for the purpose of satisfying your illusive mind of being a saver of many others. However, very few people would buy your ideas. So, you were very frustrated for not being accepted as a spiritual mentor. You are indeed a xxxx supremacist because you blindly believe that your ideology is above others. However, your biased ideas did not win a warm approval from your assumedly obedient students. Why? Simply because we are more practically thinking and have more balanced logics. 
You were mad and cursed us. Shall I blame you or your parents for such a poor manner? It is a question. Without data, I cannot draw a conclusion at this moment. As a scientist, I don’t want to invest my time to research this issue. BTW, cursing is really not right and please don’t do it again. Well, you may yell at me again saying “I have never cursed others but just your guys the stupid xxxxx”. If you really do so, it won’t surprise me. As a part time educator, I do see that you have a good potential to be a nice person in discussions. Remember arrogance mostly comes from ignorance.  I sincerely suggest you having more balanced reading. Don’t lock your eyes to CNN. Fox News, NBC, CBS, and BBC won’t kill you if you read them 5 minutes a day. 
Confucius said: “everybody can be educated, no matter gender, social status, and even age.” I don’t expect you to change your social ideology. It may be too hard for your age. But certainly, there is a big room for improving your manner. Anyway, I won’t lose my patience on you.  I encourage you to involve more discussions and we are open to different ideas.  
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来源: 文学城-王有财