DOLPH LUNDGREN | 160 same IQ score as Einstein’s!

DOLPH LUNDGREN | 160 same IQ score as Einstein’s!





Let’s be thankful that Dolph Lundgren is different from the movies and is no villain in real life. Not everyone knows that he actually has the same IQ score as Einstein’s! The actor holds a degree in chemical engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology, followed by a master’s from the University of Sydney. He even received a Fulbright scholarship to MIT but wasn’t able to attend because he chose to pursue an acting career instead.

Lundgren’s film breakthrough came in the mid-’80s, when he portrayed boxer Ivan Drago in Rocky IV, opposite Sylvester Stallone. Since then, he has been in 70 films different films, nearly all of them are in the action genre. Aside from Rocky IV, he has also appeared in blockbusters such as The Punisher, The Expendables, and Aquaman. He also wrote an autobiographical fitness book, Train Like an Action Hero: Be Fit Forever.

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来源: 文学城-TJKCB
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