Erich Segal\'s Only Love

Erich Segal\'s Only Love


William Faulkner

I see in your eyes. tremor in your voice. Is she gorgeous?

Erich Segal's Only Love | Part 1 of 2 | FULL MOVIE | Romance, Rob Morrow

ONLY LOVE PART ONE - Told in flashback, a successful neurosurgeon (Rob Morrow) is unexpectedly called upon to treat his former fiancee, Silvia, who is dying from a brain tumor. The film then flashes back 15 years to when the couple first met as physicians on an African expedition. Based on the 1997 novel by Erich Segal. Watch Part TWO here:    • Erich Segal's Onl...   Rob Morrow, Mathilda May, Marisa Tomei, Emmy Rossum, Georges Corraface, Paul Freman, Jeroen Krabbe 1998 Directed by John Erman #onlylove #marisatomei The beloved Chicken Soup for the Soul books changed the world — one story at a time. Now, the new Chicken Soup for the Soul streaming service is doing the same thing. This free entertainment and lifestyle destination features programming that entertains and inspires. From mysteries to miracles, comedy to true crime, the Royal family to RomComs, award-winning movies to noteworthy originals, there’s something for everyone. - Chicken Soup for the Soul: - TikTok: - Instagram: - Twitter: - Facebook: - Pinterest: Check out our videos and trailers here, then find out where you can watch for free at

"Love Story": The novel "Love Story" by Erich Segal is a tragic romance about two college students, Oliver Barrett IV and Jennifer Cavalleri. Oliver is a wealthy, preppy Harvard student, while Jennifer is a working-class Radcliffe student. Despite their different backgrounds, they fall in love and get married. However, their relationship is challenged by the disapproval of Oliver's father, who cuts him off financially, and Jennifer's eventual illness and death from leukemia. The novel explores themes of love, class differences, family, and loss.

I truly didn’t know what to expect, life takes us on Journeys that we may not understand the depth and height of love. I was hoping they would find their way back together like a three strand cord but as fate would have it , the circumstances were unimaginable, nonetheless hope against hope wasn’t enough. Her last breath was with their love


Marisa Tomei
Marisa Tomei at Berlinale 2023.jpg
Born December 4, 1964 (age 58)
Brooklyn, New York, U.S.
Education Boston University
Occupation Actress
Years active 1983–present
Works Full list
Partner Logan Marshall-Green (2008–2012)
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来源: 文学城-TJKCB
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