graft wax


Thank you, what a great video! I just use stuff from around the house, but didn't know about all these options! I didn't now that grafting wax was basically thick paint. I want to try using plastic bags, as I've found the electrical tape does remove bark as you said, but I've only peeled it off, not cut.


Hi there! Thanks for the informative video. I have wild rough lemon rootstock growing in my yard. I think it somehow made its way to my property from a neighbor’s lemon tree on the opposite side of a block wall. The rough lemon is very established, but the fruit, obviously, isn’t great. It has many shoots and branches so I thought I would use it to practice grafting. I’m using lime, a more desirable lemon, and orange scion wood. I used various grafting techniques seeing as this was a learning experience. I bark grafted, patch grafted and T-budded at various points, 6 in total. I wrapped with parafilm, but then covered with black electrical tape and aluminum foil over that. Rain was forecasted a couple of days after my graft work so I wanted to make sure things stayed protected and it felt like I’d need more holding power than the parafilm provided. That said, when should remove the electrical tape, especially over the bud grafts? I’d assume it will inhibit things if left on too long. Also, I’ve seen grafting examples where a bud is left uncovered and others where the wrap covers it completely. I went with the latter as I was concerned about the impending rain. Any advice?
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I would probably unwrap to just the parafilm and worry only about sun. Put some shade on the grafts until you see growth is the safest. Some just use paper bags tied over, or just shade the whole tree. Iv'e only grafted citrus by whip and tongue, using half ripe wood of the current season's growth, so like right now take this year's wood trim off the juicy green tip wood and all the leaves and graft. Good luck. Hopefully some will take. If you really think the rain could be a problem, maybe more parafilm, you can also use white glue or latex paint to seal where needed.
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SkillCult , Thanks so much! I actually did seal one bud graft with white craft glue as I placed it in a spot that was difficult to wrap without thinking about it.. I’m glad that’s an actual thing! I’ll unwrap the electrical tape and leave things with just the parafilm and a shade cover. Fingers crossed. Thanks, again!
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