flash light on just hatched baby humming bird hurt their retina?

flash light on just hatched baby humming bird hurt their retina?


flash light on just hatched baby humming bird hurt their retina?







Direct exposure to a bright flash of light, such as a camera flash, can potentially harm the delicate eyes of a just-hatched baby hummingbird. The retina of a young bird is sensitive, and a sudden burst of intense light can cause temporary or even permanent damage. It's important to be cautious and avoid exposing young birds, including baby hummingbirds, to bright lights, especially flashes.

If you come across a just-hatched baby hummingbird, it's best to minimize any disturbances and avoid using bright lights around them. The well-being and safety of the bird should always be the priority. If you have concerns about a baby hummingbird or any other wildlife, it's advisable to contact a local wildlife rehabilitator or bird expert who can provide appropriate guidance and care for the bird.

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