Light and Shadow-12

Light and Shadow-12


When wind bends light 

When wind bends light 
I see your face 
your hair 
till my hands reach out to you 
I touch only the wrinkles of light

This short poem captures a delicate and ethereal moment, where the interplay of wind and light evokes a vivid image of the speaker perceiving someone's face. The repetition of the first two lines, "When wind bends light," emphasizes the central theme and sets the tone for the rest of the poem.
The speaker suggests that when the wind bends the light, it reveals the face of someone significant. This imagery portrays a sense of serenity and beauty, as the bending of light creates a surreal and otherworldly atmosphere. It implies that there is something extraordinary or magical about the encounter.
The subsequent lines convey a sense of longing and desire. The speaker observes the face floating and the hair waving, creating a dynamic and graceful image. The movement of the hair suggests a certain vitality or liveliness, enhancing the impression of the person being seen as vibrant and captivating.
The final two lines, "till my hands reach out to you / I touch only the wrinkles of light," evoke a bittersweet tone. The speaker longs to physically connect with the person, to reach out and touch them. However, this connection remains elusive and intangible, as the speaker can only feel the "wrinkles of light." This phrase implies that the interaction is transient and insubstantial, like trying to grasp something fleeting and intangible.
Overall, the poem explores the intersection of nature, perception, and longing. It invites the reader to contemplate moments of brief connection and the profound effect they can have on one's emotions. The imagery of wind bending light and the tactile experience of touching "wrinkles of light" create a sensory and imaginative experience, leaving the reader with a sense of longing and wonder.


I wrote this after I saw Lady in the Wind inside Lower Antelope Canyon. Wind and water are nature's magicians. 

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来源: 文学城-颤音
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