老地雷&高歌低吟《Help me make it through the night》

老地雷&高歌低吟《Help me make it through the night》


跟E歌大王史东唱完那首《Alone Again Naturally》后,又跟着另一个E歌大王高歌低吟后面学习了这首歌,两首歌我都特别喜欢,所以我学起来也比较用心,大王们指导有方,唱完后感觉收获满满,唱E歌信心大增。谢谢~

Help Me Make It Through The Night
原唱: Michael Buble ft. Loren Allred
翻唱:高歌低吟 ft. 老地雷
Take that ribbon from your hairShake it loose and let it fallLay your head soft against your skinLike the shadow on the wall
Come and lay down by my sideTill the early morning lightAll I'm taking is your timeHelp me make it through the night
I don't care who's right or wrongI won't try to understandLet the devil take tomorrowLord tonight I need a friend
Yesterday is dead and goneYesterday is dead and goneAnd tomorrow's out of sightAnd tomorrow's out of sightAnd it's sad to be aloneHelp me make it through the night
I don't care who's right or wrongI won't try to understandLet the devil take tomorrowLord tonight I need a friendOh, tonight I need a friend
Yesterday is dead and goneIt's dead and goneBut tomorrow's out of sightBut tomorrow's out of sightAnd it's sad to be aloneHelp me make it through the night
I don't wanna be aloneHelp me make it through the nightYou don't have to be aloneI'll help you make it through the night




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来源: 文学城-老地雷
【2023坛庆】暖场 Help Me Make It Through The Night 70年代乡村歌神曲老地雷&高歌低吟《Help me make it through the night》艺览天下 | Curator Walkthrough 与策展人看展母亲的手Asian MIT grad asks AI to make her photo more professional费城最后一场: 好莱坞电影《SIGHT》根据世界顶级眼科医生王明旭博士传记改编, 讲述华人的励志移民故事Sisters Who Make Wives尹锡悦:要悬枫林音乐: Summer called last night郑旭光:'习近平很有定力'谷歌新动作,ChromeOS将不再是原来的ChromeOS周末美食-去吃正宗南翔小笼包【2023坛庆】“Can't Help Falling in Love" by 蜀风雅韵/老乔治。 祝大家坛庆快乐!“光明天使的成功路”——国际知名眼科专家王明旭传记电影《sight》10月27日全美上映!【𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐧𝐢𝐊𝐞𝐚𝐧双皮奶无痕内裤】49元三条!巨巨巨好穿 !!简直就是辣妹顶配,食品级冰箱收纳盒【一日团】女儿要当Zoologist《許你一世情緣》鸢尾花,迷人风采浪游歐洲30天𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐧𝐢𝐊𝐞𝐚𝐧双皮奶内衣裤,软弹有度,上身0束缚~《送别》三重唱 李叔同、雅歌词 老地雷,树烨子演唱八声甘州 不必追忆不题费城北郊亚都华人协会(UDCA)成功举办王明旭博士自传电影《Sight》(光明)观影活动张艺谋电影最屈辱的一幕希腊圣托里尼岛(Santorini),晨光白房王明旭博士传记电影《Sight》摘得ICVM国际电影奖两项大奖【Alone again naturally】 BY 老地雷&史东春天来了,万物复苏,又到了小虫子们 Make L 的季了。。[歪解] I thought I told you about it already.After Sandstorms and Droughts, Here Come the Floods孩子遇到挫折这么办塾字源考雨后的小径学习美国宪法带着针线去探亲【父爱如山】Can't help falling in love 父子各唱各的版这个世界上也有一些这样的人上个世纪50年代中国大陆陆军的装备的两款加农炮