迷迭香烤羊腿 (Rosemary Roasted Lamb Leg)

迷迭香烤羊腿 (Rosemary Roasted Lamb Leg)


During my recent world tour, I have eaten a lot of lamb meat. Lamb is the no.1 popular meat for many European countries instead of beef.

I bought this lamb leg imported from New Zealand and tried to cook it at home. It turned out very well, so juicy and delicious that I forgot to take photos until half plate was gone! It is more tastier than those I had in Europe, probably due to adding the vegetables. Also, the anchovies are a must-have ingredient, for flavoring. Along with garlic and fresh Rosemaries, it took away the usual lamb smell (膻味)completely.

I cooked it to medium done, one hour and thirty minutes, 350 degrees. For summer salad add ons, you may baked it to medium rare, one hour ten minutes. Good luck! ~~


迷迭香烤羊腿 (Rosemary Roasted Lamb Leg)





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