古典诗歌 and Taming the Tongue

古典诗歌 and Taming the Tongue







Taming the tongue?Does it mean censorship? Nope. Censorship is meant to serve the interests of the powers that be. In other words, you are forced to hold your tongue. Freedom of speech be damned.

Taming the tongue is to watch one's mouth. It is well-meant and hopefully well-heeded. When one is emotionally-charged enough, s/he may lose control and start cursing whomsoever being targeted. It won't be a pretty sight whichever way you look at it.

So, unless we want to invite trouble, we'd better avoid tongue-lashing of anyone particularly in public. Tongue-lashing has nothing to do with gender, by the way.

by 苇苇

*All images are from Google.

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来源: 文学城-寒苇
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