LinkedIn\'s global membership has surpassed 900 million,

LinkedIn\'s global membership has surpassed 900 million,


translate to English: 创建于2003年的领英作为全球最大的职场社交平台,全球雇有约2万名员工。领英于2011年在纽交所上市,总部位于美国硅谷。领英2014年正式进入中国,凭其简洁的页面和较少的广告,当年就吸引超过400万会员。截止2023年5月,领英全球会员总数已超过9亿,覆盖200多个国家和地区,其中,中国会员总数已逾6000万。


Established in 2003, LinkedIn, the world's largest professional networking platform, employs around 20,000 staff members globally. LinkedIn went public on the New York Stock Exchange in 2011 and is headquartered in Silicon Valley, USA. In 2014, LinkedIn officially entered the Chinese market, attracting over 4 million members in its debut year with its minimalist interface and fewer advertisements. As of May 2023, LinkedIn's global membership has surpassed 900 million, spanning across 200+ countries and regions, with over 60 million members in China.

According to a report from "Analysys", a big data marketing service provider based in Beijing, in 2021, the market shares of three leading companies accounted for 70% of the entire online recruitment industry. Among these, the market shares of Zhaopin, Boss Zhipin, and Liepin were 26.6%, 25.63%, and 15.94% respectively. Notably absent from major consulting firms' recruitment market industry reports is the mention of LinkedIn. However, younger individuals are no longer updating their LinkedIn profiles. For high-end positions, individuals may lean toward using Liepin. This is how people have positioned themselves.

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来源: 文学城-TJKCB
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