Tina Brown, author of The Diana Chronicles [2007].)

Tina Brown, author of The Diana Chronicles [2007].)

Diana, princess of Wales 
Encyclopedia Britannica
Diana, princess of Wales, original name Diana Frances Spencer, (born July 1, 1961, Sandringham, Norfolk, England—died August 31, 1997, Paris, France), former consort (1981–96) of Charles, prince of Wales; mother of the heir second in line to the British throne, Prince William, duke of Cambridge (born 1982); and one of the foremost celebrities of her day. (For more on Diana, especially on the effect of her celebrity status, see Britannica’s interview with Tina Brown, author of The Diana Chronicles [2007].)

William & Harry, les frères ennemis (1/4) - La rupture: les vraies raisons de la brouille

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25 ans après la mort de Lady Di, plongée au cœur de la relation entre ses deux fils. L’un est l’héritier du trône, l’autre est l’éternel second. Deux hommes que le monde entier a vu grandir. Unis par les épreuves, ils se déchirent aujourd’hui. Les enfants chéris de la couronne sont devenus des frères ennemis. Cette série documentaire inédite est signée par Isabelle Quintard avec l’aide de Charlotte Xenard, Julie Beaurain, Baptiste Keita, Simon Terrassier, Alexandre Funel et Jean-Baptiste Arnaud. 

25 years after the death of Lady Di, a deep dive into the heart of the relationship between her two sons. One is the heir to the throne, the other is forever in the shadows. Two men the whole world has seen grow up. United by trials, they are torn apart today. The beloved children of the crown have become warring brothers. This unprecedented documentary series is created by Isabelle Quintard with the assistance of Charlotte Xenard, Julie Beaurain, Baptiste Keita, Simon Terrassier, Alexandre Funel, and Jean-Baptiste Arnaud.

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