SkInCArE dAys

SkInCArE dAys


SKINCARE. We all need it, but don't want to admit it. And if you have perfect skin, Good for you! No, I'm serious. You are one lucky duck. I also don't know why the term 'lucky duck' is a thing, cuz like, ducks aren't lucky. They spend their whole lives scavenging around for food, being scared of death at every corner, barely eating. I mean, that's just a horrible existence! I bet ducks say, 'you lucky humany' or something like that. But enough about the sad existence of ducks. I'm here to talk about SkInCAre (btw if you didn't know I'm twelve now, ya girl is old). My whole skincare routine is quite intensive, so never, EVER, IN YOUR WHOLE EXISTENCE, do this all in one night. Also don't take advice from me. I don't want to be liable if something bad happens. Firstly, I wash my face with a watermelon cleanser. Get all the gunk off. Then I use pore strips. I only ever use them like, once a week because boy oh boy do they hurt. Like BAD. So yeah...ow. If I were to do this in order, I'd then put on a face mask, but like I said, PLEASEE do NYAT to this ALL in ONE night. Then, I would use a facial scrub (I have 2), wash that baby off, then aloe, then top it off with some fancy spring mineral water or something. IDK. Anyways, that's pretty much it. Once again, do not take advice from me. I am a 12 year old girl who knows nothing about skincare. Anyways, byeeeee. Ending with a period as always......oneee moreee.....ok maybe 2..............k that's enough....stop.....I said STAWP.......Oh my dog.

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来源: 文学城-落花飘零
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