• EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW: human corruption ruin all
我住國外, 每次回到台北, 就覺得壓力很大, 不只是生活步調快, 人情應對也有壓力, 還有最可怕的噪音環境(機車)。台灣的夜生活比國外精彩, 可是人就晚睡, 半夜可能也被吵醒。所以住鄉下可能好一點。減少噪音可能會有幫助吧! 我住這裡雖然也是城市, 可是左右鄰居都早睡, 10點就寢蠻正常的, 所以也不太會干擾到鄰居。
頭腦 某些能力減退會誘發,另一部份腦力的成長,例如,視盲者,聽覺利用較多會較靈敏,記憶力不好就會思考力想改善之道,就會發展另一方面,有得必有失,有失必有得
1 month ago
愛 無償奉 於其他生命 有無限的 幸福感 所以 做善事 照顧他人 或寵物 生物,及解救生命等待。會讓自己有生存的價值,讓自己有存在這世界的理由了
1 month ago
‘’沒有不幸福‘’的幸福。 很高興聽到這集,讓我的疑惑找到了答案。
1 month ago
2 months ago
说得太好了。能看到这视频是缘分,能明白领会靠慧根。。。看不看得完全部就看我们得造化。 []
4 months ago
4 months ago
祖父是照顧祖母的 祖母照顧孫子 [] 我兩個祖母的經歷 也好像如此咧 老伴走了 沒有孫子要照顧 無需她的付出時 也就活不久 還有一個祖母 祖父走了 但有三個孫子要她顧 最後活到孫子大了以後 沒有事要她做了 也真的活不久咧 人都因為有被需要 而感到有用 或有價值 才感到喜樂 心情快樂是 活下去的動力!
4 months ago
反正就是小時候身邊同輩的小孩會背三字經、唐詩三百首等等,家長們都很高興,我就是那個背不了的小孩??當年我的想法是背書的時間為什麼不多讀一些書?或者思考剛剛讀完的書(很小就習慣思考讀後感,甚至是此故事比較彼故事等等),當然一切發生在我腦中,大人們不知道,只看到會背書、背詩的孩子?? 至於後面醫師提到抑鬱和利己不覺得相關。我明白醫師是在提一種人生態度,只是有些時候生病不見得是個人選擇。
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The phrase “利他湊巧而自利,三輪體空,應無所住而生其心” is a concept from Buddhist teachings that can be translated as “Benefiting others while benefiting oneself, realizing the emptiness of the three realms, and cultivating a mind that is free from attachment.”
Benefiting others while benefiting oneself:
This means that one should strive to help others without neglecting their own well-being. For example, imagine a person who volunteers at a local charity organization. By dedicating their time and effort to serve others, they not only benefit those in need but also gain a sense of fulfillment and personal growth from their actions.
Realizing the emptiness of the three realms:
According to Buddhist philosophy, the “three realms” refer to the realms of desire, form, and formlessness, which represent different levels of existence. Realizing the emptiness of these realms means understanding that all phenomena, including ourselves, are impermanent and lack inherent existence. For instance, if someone deeply contemplates the impermanence and transient nature of material possessions, they may develop a sense of detachment towards materialism and focus on more meaningful aspects of life.
Cultivating a mind that is free from attachment:
This suggests developing a mind that is not attached to worldly desires or clinging onto things. An example of this can be seen in the practice of meditation, where individuals strive to observe their thoughts and emotions without judgment or attachment. By cultivating a mind free from attachment, one can experience inner peace and liberation from suffering.
Overall, the phrase encourages individuals to practice selflessness, gain insight into the transient nature of existence, and cultivate a mind that is free from attachment, ultimately leading to spiritual growth and liberation.
The phrase “利他湊巧而自利,三輪體空,應無所住而生其心” is a concept from Buddhist teachings that can be translated as “Benefiting others while benefiting oneself, realizing the emptiness of the three realms, and cultivating a mind that is free from attachment.”
Benefiting others while benefiting oneself:
This means that one should strive to help others without neglecting their own well-being. For example, imagine a person who volunteers at a local charity organization. By dedicating their time and effort to serve others, they not only benefit those in need but also gain a sense of fulfillment and personal growth from their actions. -
Realizing the emptiness of the three realms:
According to Buddhist philosophy, the “three realms” refer to the realms of desire, form, and formlessness, which represent different levels of existence. Realizing the emptiness of these realms means understanding that all phenomena, including ourselves, are impermanent and lack inherent existence. For instance, if someone deeply contemplates the impermanence and transient nature of material possessions, they may develop a sense of detachment towards materialism and focus on more meaningful aspects of life. -
Cultivating a mind that is free from attachment:
This suggests developing a mind that is not attached to worldly desires or clinging onto things. An example of this can be seen in the practice of meditation, where individuals strive to observe their thoughts and emotions without judgment or attachment. By cultivating a mind free from attachment, one can experience inner peace and liberation from suffering.
Overall, the phrase encourages individuals to practice selflessness, gain insight into the transient nature of existence, and cultivate a mind that is free from attachment, ultimately leading to spiritual growth and liberation.
“三界皆空,修养无所住而生起纯净心” is a Buddhist concept that can be translated as “The three realms are empty, cultivate a mind that is free from attachment to attain purity.”
三界皆空 (The three realms are empty):
This refers to the Buddhist understanding that the three realms of existence, namely the desire realm, the form realm, and the formless realm, are ultimately empty of inherent existence. It means that all phenomena, including ourselves and the world around us, lack inherent essence or permanence. This understanding helps to overcome attachment and delusion. -
修养无所住 (Cultivate a mind that is free from attachment):
To cultivate means to develop or nurture. 修养 refers to the process of refining and purifying one’s mind and character through spiritual practice. 无所住 means not clinging or attaching to anything. It suggests letting go of desires, attachments, and grasping in order to attain inner freedom and peace. -
而生起纯净心 (To attain purity):
生起 means to arise or to emerge. 纯净心 refers to a pure and undefiled mind, free from defilements such as greed, hatred, and ignorance. Cultivating a mind that is free from attachment and delusion leads to the arising of a pure and virtuous state of mind.
In summary, this concept encourages practitioners to understand the emptiness of all phenomena, cultivate a mind that is free from attachment and clinging, and through this practice, attain purity and liberation from suffering.
这指的是佛教的理解,即欲界、色界和无色界这三个存在领域,最终都是空无固有实性的。这意味着所有的现象,包括我们自己和周围的世界,都没有固有的本质或永恒性。这种理解有助于克服执着和错见。 -
修养意味着培养或发展。修养指通过精神实践来提炼和净化自己的心灵和品性。无所住意味着不执着或依附于任何事物。它建议放下欲望、执着和紧抓,以获得内在的自由和平静。 -
1 month ago
5 months ago
西藥快這個理論騙了多少人?實際案例分享 西藥快這個理論騙了多少人?當你為了快而選擇西藥的時候,就會進入這兩個奇怪的循環,第一、疾病反復,
第二、一輩子吃藥,這個快是不是很矛盾嗎?竟然沒有人質疑過,問題在哪裡呢?就出在你只聽了半句話? 很多慢性病,比如糖尿病,當你被確診時,每一個醫生都會很負責地,告訴你趕緊吃藥控制,記住重點就在「控制」兩個字,但是每一個患者想要的卻是「恢復」,如果不理解「控制」與「恢復」的區別,就會被一個快字所誤導,西藥到底是「控制」快還是「恢復」快,請你思考!那怎麼理解呢?