FL Studio 21 - music creation and learning

FL Studio 21 - music creation and learning


利用这段寒假时间开始用FL studio for music making, a very popular and sophisticated software with many mind-blowing sound engineering features, it is not easy at beginning,  but finally got some 'feel' for it. Created two pieces of simple music with it , a fun music experiment and adventure worth trying out, still learning and discovering about the tool, doing helps learning. 

the high level  development process in Piano roll :

0/ add instrument  'close grand'  to channel rack for piano as a new one  along with other default ones , ie kicks, clap, hats, snare 

1/ set root nodes (scale) first under Piano roll 
2/ Pick a popular chord progression to start with ,  depending on the genre of music

3/ For Melody , pick out  the notes within the scale (1/ step helps to limit the notes within the chosen scale ) 

4/ Arrange melody notes and  make pattern that have smooth movement  (could be in various ways, ideally can be sung by someone) , it is the fun part of creation, there isn't a strict rule and pick notes at position 3, 5, 7  from the root notes would be a good start

5/ use select icon and shift arrow key to move the group of chords or melody notes up /down, left/right to test the sound, this is extremely helpful

6/ Leave spacing between chords to breath

7/ add to master mixer and playlist in FL studio 

8/ At top menu bar, file, export mp3 or wav file ale) first un





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来源: 文学城-晨思
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