【A Few Questions for An Educated You】

【A Few Questions for An Educated You】



【A Few Questions for An Educated You】


                  By Tian Yu Zhi 


How overbearing and spoiled are you?
You think the world is all revolving around you
You fly in and out of his world as you please,
Without giving him love and tender when he needs it;
But when you call him, and need him, he has to be there for you,
With his arms wide open to accept you, otherwise,
You put a tall hat on his head 
Written the words scum of betrayal 


How arrogant are you?
You think that he should put away his emotions, 
Love commitment, to come to your rescue,
Only because you have decided you want his love now,
Even after you have heard him professing his devoted love
Only to her, you still chose to ignore it and pursued him


How dared are you?
To try to snatch my love right in front of my eyes,
Sing fox songs, do sadfishing, to seduce him away from me


How laughable are you?
To even entertain the idea that someone will leave his soulmate of
Many years, to be with an old fling long time ago, when she suddenly popped out.
He has waved goodbye to her without hesitation years ago,
To love this same soulmate today 


Please take a Logic 101 class, will you?
It will do you some good. 

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来源: 文学城-天玉之
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