A Dew into the Sea

A Dew into the Sea


Beyond those far, far, above, 

A light flashes for a rock standing high and firm. 


Through the limpid air flowing with a murmur of the season,

A young song flies with a thousand year old eagle. 


Across clouds however thick they are,

A gaze lightens my heart.


The moon softly smiles,

Sneaking a journey rolling through the wild and plains.


A white swan swimming in a black lake,

Spreads its wings to a fairy hidden in the universe for wisdom.


Two souls of cardinals swim together,

In the floating warmth sweet and tender.


The fire of volcano and the wave of tsunami,

Precipitate into a blue pond in a quiet oasis in a desert.


Dragging a piece of nightly wind,

Let the peace be a blanket to cover the innocence's shoulders.


A dream like a drop of dew,

Drips into the night deep like a sea.


Stars wink and blink,

Shining for the sky and fog wrapping mountains together.


Tomorrow is the pool under a waterfall;

Today we splash a curving creek into a rainbow.


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来源: 文学城-懿凌
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