






每个人的经历各异?我一般在地铁里阅读【圣经】,眼神不与人对视。我记得某天半夜,在地铁里见到一位华裔中年男子,穿着老旧,胡子拉碴的。他自我介绍,来自台湾,自己单住,并说自己有心理障碍疾病,住在政府福利房,每天需要服药,我问“你去教会吗?” “不常去”他答。后来我们在斯嘉堡站分手,他说“我的父母不喜欢我, 因为我从小不会念书,我今天很感动,因为你一直跟我说话,我常坐地铁,从来没有华人搭理我”。其实,我心里挺难受的。

Subway experience

In the past, I worked in downtown of Toronto for 13 years. Taking the light rail and subway to work, I left home at 1:30pm   and came back home at about one in the midnight. I had never encountered racial discrimination. Occasionally my impression of South Asians was that they smell curry. Maybe I myself also smell spice of cooking.  I did see a lot of people with mental disabilities, alcoholics and drug addicts. What should I do? Stay away from them. Under normal circumstances, they will not take the initiative to hurt people.

Sometimes in the midnight, I met naughty teenagers on the subway. They made strange appearances at me and shout at me. The girls turned their bum at me, and pulled down their pants . Then, they burst into laughter before leaving.

Everyone’s experience is different? I was reading the Bible in the subway, I didn't  do eye contact with people.

I remember one day in the middle of the night, I saw a middle-aged Chinese man in the subway, dressed in old and shabby beard. I said hello to him, He introduced himself, he was from Taiwan, lives alone, and said that he has a mental disorder and needs to take medicine every day. I asked "Are you going to church?" "Don't go often" he replied. Later, we had to say goodbye at Scarborough Station and he said to me, "My parents don’t like me because I didn’t know how to study since I was a child. I am very touched today because you always talk to me. I often take the subway. I often take the subway, and there has never been a Chinese to care about me" . ". Actually, I feel quite uncomfortable. why people so snobby ?

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来源: 文学城-憨大头
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