早上6:15起来就到厨房准备早餐,等我把鸡蛋香肠煎好,面条煮 好,苹果削好,牛奶倒好。6:40。哥哥洗完澡出来。按常规10 分钟吃完,6:50刚好去赶校车。他吃到一半,问我能不能送他去 学校,我一向反感他让我送的要求。因为他大冬天的故意装酷穿很少 ,学校和家里暖气足,就是赶校车那一段比较冷,他为了逃避那段寒 冷(这寒冷是因为他不肯穿厚衣服导致的)。就总找各种理由让我送 。送他并不辛苦,从妈妈的角度,给儿子做什么都是心甘情愿的。但 如果因为我做太多而惯坏了他就是我的不对了。孩子的错都是大人的 错。
我已经在改掉我一生气就怒斥他们的习惯,我尽量轻言细语地表达我 的不同意见。
昨天,哥哥放学有活动,打电话回家让接他,弟弟接的电话,因为没 听清楚哥哥说什么就没有告诉我哥哥需要接。过了很久哥哥打电话回 来开始生气。等他回家之后就指责弟弟。按我以前的习惯,哥哥对弟 弟凶必然会被我凶回去。我忍了忍。耐心告诉他弟弟是因为没听清楚你在说什么。
回到今早的事情上来,当我明确表示不送他之后,他把早餐一丢就冲 去浴室了。我以为他急着要走。我也去收拾自己的书包,我今天早上 也有课。等我6:53进浴室一看,他还在那里弄他的头发,他要用 发胶来固定发型,所以花了很长时间。我说你怎么还没走?现在出发 要快跑才赶得上校车了。他不紧不慢地说哦,然后继续磨蹭到6:5 8。这时候无论如何是赶不上校车了。他用这种方式来逼我送他!
我面无表情地说,如果你错过了校车就自己走去学校吧。从家走到学 校,要1个小时!
他的行为都是我惯出来的,我总是提醒他要上某大学。他只要把那些 全是A的成绩单拿出来我总是愿意买任何他想要的东西做任何让他高 兴的事。
孩子眼里父母对他唯一的要求就是好好学习上个好大学。不!上好大 学不是最主要的。
我开始改变我对他的要求,我希望你健康成长,除了身体健康,心灵 也要健康。我希望你能独立自主。希望你感恩,不是对我感恩,是对 生活感恩。你上某大学最好,真上不了也没什么大不了。你今后收获 的就是你今天种下的。你可以有自己的选择,但对你的选择负责的是 你自己,不是老娘我。
最后他只好跟着弟弟去赶弟弟的校车,弟弟的校车7:30才到,从 弟弟学校到哥哥学校只需要走几分钟。
我开车出去的时候,他们还在那里等,雨一直下着。我还是停下来送 他们去了学校。
但这不是妥协。我告诉他,我会取消他的一项活动,既然你连上课时 间都安排不好,别的活动就没意义了。
You never reflect what you do wrong and try to fix them but only try to tear other people apart. I wrote you an email about things Im going to fix and then you write me an email about things i wrote about previously and added a bunch of false accusations. Before assuming things, you should get it clear, One I did not take away 弟弟s coat because i was cold, I just needed it for the hood so I can smuggle myself on the 弟弟学校(此信的中文是我换上来的) bus. Not because I was cold. Second I only spend 5 - 10 minute every morning on my hair because im a teenager. I care about how I look when going out to public and so your telling me you didn't spend any time on your hair when you were 15. And no I did spend around 2-3 hours typing a paper and preparing for a test. Video games is a decent proportion of who I am and that just cant be changed. In school I'm not cool because I spend money on games instead of drugs or alcohol. I'm not cool because I don't want to go out to party all night and get wasted. People spend their money and time on much worse things that video games. I never put video games before school. I make sure it doesn't get in the way of my schoolwork. I always reflect on the things and plan on how im going to make myself better but I never see you doing it. We already agreed that I was going to stay home. Ill go to stop and shop the day before, get food and take care of my self at home, You guys can have fun at your vacation, and I'll be at our house nicely heated and supplied with food waiting for you guys to come back. I can take care of myself, Ive done it for 3 weeks alone at our house I can do it for 3 days. From now, I do promise to change my temper and I'll talk things calmly though only if you promise the same. And punishment is not a good way to solve an issue. It makes us both mad. an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMRrCYPxD0I
You never reflect what you do wrong and try to fix them but only try to tear other people apart. I wrote you an email about things Im going to fix and then you write me an email about things i wrote about previously and added a bunch of false accusations. Before assuming things, you should get it clear, One I did not take away 弟弟s coat because i was cold, I just needed it for the hood so I can smuggle myself on the 弟弟学校(此信的中文是我换上来的) bus. Not because I was cold. Second I only spend 5 - 10 minute every morning on my hair because im a teenager. I care about how I look when going out to public and so your telling me you didn't spend any time on your hair when you were 15. And no I did spend around 2-3 hours typing a paper and preparing for a test. Video games is a decent proportion of who I am and that just cant be changed. In school I'm not cool because I spend money on games instead of drugs or alcohol. I'm not cool because I don't want to go out to party all night and get wasted. People spend their money and time on much worse things that video games. I never put video games before school. I make sure it doesn't get in the way of my schoolwork. I always reflect on the things and plan on how im going to make myself better but I never see you doing it. We already agreed that I was going to stay home. Ill go to stop and shop the day before, get food and take care of my self at home, You guys can have fun at your vacation, and I'll be at our house nicely heated and supplied with food waiting for you guys to come back. I can take care of myself, Ive done it for 3 weeks alone at our house I can do it for 3 days. From now, I do promise to change my temper and I'll talk things calmly though only if you promise the same. And punishment is not a good way to solve an issue. It makes us both mad. an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMRrCYPxD0I
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来源: 文学城-红袖添香老板娘