



PAPER什么的也不当回事儿,高中四年下来GPA 不怎么高,估计因为上课稀松,老师对他印象也一般般,课外活动什么的也乏陈可述。按美国大学申请的要求的主要几项:ESSAYGPA,推荐信,课外活动,他都不在前列。







College Attending2009 %2006-2008 %
Harvard University             3 2%           14 3%
Princeton University             3 2%             5 1%
Yale University             3 2%             3 1%
Brown University             4 2%             5 1%
Columbia University             1 1%             5 1%
Cornell University             5 3%             8 2%
Dartmouth College             2 1%             2 0%
University of Pennsylvania             4 2%           22 5%
Total Ivy           25  15%           64  14%
Oxford University             1
California Institute of Technology             2 1%             7 2%
Massachusetts Institute of Technology             2 1%           15 3%
Stanford University             9 5%           15 3%
Total Top           13  8%           37  8%
Total Ivy+ Top           39  23%         101  22%
Amerst             2 1%            -   0%
Swarthmore College            -   0%             1 0%
Williams College            -   0%             2 0%
Wellesley College            -   0%             9 2%
Smith College            -   0%             2 0%
Claremont McKenna College            -   0%             1 0%
Harvy Mudd College             1 1%            -   0%
Pomona College             1 1%             1 0%
Prizer College             1 1%            -   0%
Scripps College             2 1%             2 0%
Bryn Mawr             1 1%0%
Occidental College             1 1%             1 0%
College of William and Mary            -   0%             1 0%
Pepperdine             1 1%            -   0%
Total LAC           10  6%           20  4%
Carnegie Mellon University             1 1%           15 3%
Johns Hopkins University             2 1%             4 1%
Duke University             2 1%             2 0%
Georgetown University             2 1%             3 1%
New York University             5 3%             7 2%
Northwestern University             1 1%             4 1%
University of Chicago             1 1%             8 2%
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign            -   0%             3 1%
University of Michigan            -   0%             1 0%
Washington University in St. Louis             4 2%             3 1%
Total Good           18  11%           50  11%
UC Berkeley           19 11%           46 10%
UC Los Angeles             1 1%           14 3%
UC Davis             1 1%           19 4%
UC Irvine             3 2%             8 2%
UC Merced            -   0%             1 0%
UC Riverside            -   0%             4 1%
UC San Diego             8 5%           26 6%
UC Santa Barbara             3 2%             7 2%
UC Santa Cruz             4 2%             5 1%
University of Southern California           26 16%           39 8%
Total UC +USC           65  39%         169  37%
Academy of Art University            -   0%             1 0%
Albion College            -   0%             1 0%
Bentley College             2 1%             2 0%
Boston College             1 1%             1 0%
Boston University             3 2%           16 3%
California College of the Arts            -   0%             1 0%
California Polytechnic State University             4 2%             5 1%
Case Western Reserve University             1 1%             1 0%
Colgate University            -   0%             2 0%
Connecticut College            -   0%             1 0%
Creighton University            -   0%             1 0%
De Anza College             2 1%            -   0%
Eckerd             1 1%            -   0%
Elon             1 1%            -   0%
Embry-Riddle             1 1%            -   0%
Emory University            -   0%             1 0%
FDU College at Florham, Madison, NJ            -   0%             1 0%
Illinois Institute of Technology            -   0%             1 0%
Lehigh University            -   0%             1 0%
Lewis & Clark College            -   0%             1 0%
Loyola Marymount             1 1%            -   0%
Mount Holyoke College             1 1%             2 0%
Northeastern University            -   0%             2 0%
Pacific Union College            -   0%             2 0%
Pennsylvania State University            -   0%             1 0%
Purdue University            -   0%             1 0%
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute             3 2%             1 0%
Rice University             1 1%             2 0%
Saint Louis University            -   0%             2 0%
Saint Mary's College of California             1 1%             1 0%
San Francisco State University             1 1%             1 0%
San Jose State University             1 1%             6 1%
Santa Clara University             3 2%           16 3%
Sarah Lawrence College            -   0%             1 0%
School of the Arti Institue of Chicago             1 1%            -   0%
Seattle University            -   0%             2 0%
Sewanee, the University of South             1 1%            -   0%
Sonoma State University            -   0%             2 0%
Southern Methodist University            -   0%             3 1%
The Citadel, the Military College of SC             -   0%             1 0%
The George Washington University             2 1%             3 1%
The University of Texas, Austin            -   0%             1 0%
Tufts University             1 1%             4 1%
Tulane University            -   0%             1 0%
Univ. of Zurich            -   0%             1 0%
University of British Columbia            -   0%             1 0%
University of Connecticut            -   0%             1 0%
University of Portland            -   0%             1 0%
University of Redlands            -   0%             4 1%
University of Rochester            -   0%             4 1%
University of San Diego            -   0%             1 0%
University of San Francisco            -   0%             2 0%
University of the Pacific            -   0%             1 0%
University of Washington            -   0%             1 0%
University of Wisconsin, Madison            -   0%             1 0%
Vassar College            -   0%             4 1%
Villanova             1 1%            -   0%
West Valley College            -   0%             1 0%
Whitman College            -   0%             1 0%
Willamette University            -   0%             1 0%
Worcester Polytechnic Institute            -   0%             2 0%
Total All Others           34  20%         119  26%
Total:         166          459





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