Starlink’s “Global Roaming” promises worldwide access for $200 a

Starlink’s “Global Roaming” promises worldwide access for $200 a



Starlink’s “Global Roaming” promises worldwide access for $200 a month

SpaceX's Starlink division has invited some potential users to try a "Global Roaming" service for $200 a month, saying the new plan "allows your Starlink to connect from almost anywhere on land in the world."

"Global Roaming makes use of Starlink's inter-satellite links (aka space lasers) to provide connectivity around the globe. As this is a new technology, you can expect Starlink's typical high-speed, low-latency service intermixed with brief periods of poor connectivity, or none at all. However this will improve dramatically over time," said an email from Starlink shared on Reddit. Average Starlink speeds have dropped as more users sign up for the satellite service, speed-test data shows.

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