Eczema Record

Eczema Record


Coco has been having poor sleeping pattern lately.
Three nights ago, she woke up crying and stay awake from 12:30 a.m. to 3:00a.m. She tried to scratch her eczema on her face with her hand. I restricted her hands, she would rub her face against my body. I used epsom salt water to clean up her face to help with the itchiness, I also applied the Magoroku ointment(horse fat). She would cry and resist to be held horizontaly. Rocking her and wrapping her did not calm her down. Her eczema did come out but it was not a very terrible case. I had some fish few nights before, and that might be the cause of her eczema to flare up.

Other than the itchiness, she did not seem to be in pain or having a fever. But she was crying hard and it was very difficult to calm her down. When I held her upright and bring her to the restroom, she would calm down by looking at the mirror. Somehow her image on the mirror calm her down. When it was in the middle of the night she would not accept anyone other than me to calm her down. At 3:00a.m. I was exhausted and decided just let her sit in the middle of our bed while I was lying on the bed. She was content for a while with the toy I gave her. After about 15 minutes, she fell down on the bed which indicated she was tired. I wrapped her and let her co-sleep with us. She slept ok until 6:00a.m.

Two nights ago, it was ok. She would just wake up for feeding or from itchiness but she did not fuss a lot before falling back to sleep.

Last night, she fussed again like three night ago. It happened between 10:30 and midnight.

Sometimes I was able to put her by my side and she would go to sleep. Sometimes, she would have difficulty fall into sleep by lying by me. I would have to hold her to get her to fall back to sleep.

Her eczema is mainly focus on her face. The eczema on the legs and joints continues to bother her but it was not the major spot, those are the area her skin has rough surface. Her face's eczema continue to be red and the eczema bumps feels hot.
Coco had her 6 months checkup at 11/2/2009 which is last Monday. She had the following immunization shots: HBV, PCV, ROTA, DTaP-Hib-IPV and the seasonal flu shot.

I had an whole egg on Sunday morning and I had been having some chicken since two nights ago.

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来源: 文学城-秋月冬雪