




他在2000-2008当美国总统八年,犯过很多错。其中包括,疏忽防恐政策、没有阻止9.11,误打伊拉克等等。但他最大的错误是没有对地球变暖这个世界性环境问题加以重视,甚至轻视。这是一家网站对他的环保政策的评价:(his environmental policiesdismantling safeguards, ignoring climate concerns, marginalizing sound science and catering to industries that endangered Americans' health and natural heritage.

他一上台就把克林顿总统时公布的好几个环境命令废除掉。他以会影响国内经济为理由,拒绝签订有141个国家签字的Kyoto Treaty,使美国成为西方发达国家里唯一没有签订Kyoto Treaty的两个国家之一(另一个是澳大利亚)。他不仅不愿做二氧化碳减排的世界领导,反对Kyoto Treaty,还公开引起发达国家和发展中国家之间为减碳的争议、相互指责。结果谁也不想走出减碳的第一步。这种影响很深远。直到今天,减碳也举步维艰。就好象在一条已大量入水的船上,船员们不去排水、堵洞,却仍在为谁该为漏水负比较大的责任而争论不休。

人类已走到了一个几乎不可能回头的边缘。这一百多年里,人类把地下深埋的碳燃料烧了接近一半。再过50-100年可能再把另一半也快烧完。地球变暖后对世界的影响是全球性的,只和排碳总量和总速度有关,而和国家之间历史上排碳的相对多少没有关系。随着时间的推移,因为没有哪个大国家站出来领导减碳,我们已离Point of No Return越来越近。







Making Energy Policy

EPA shelves bad-news report about auto fuel efficiency until after energy bill vote (07/26/05)

Former oil lobbyist employed by White House leaves to join ExxonMobil (06/15/05)

Industry buys access to Bush inauguration (01/20/05)

President Bush touts "environmental benefits" of nuclear power (01/10/05)

Lobbyists rub elbows and tee off with federal policy-makers at industry junket (01/05/05)

Bush oil and gas drilling policy forces taxpayers to pay a heavy cleanup price (12/26/04)

BLM whistleblower pays price for reporting mining pollution (11/10/04)

White House stifles global warming data, says NASA top official (10/27/04)

Energy and Public Lands

BLM makes environmental cleanup optional for oil and gas companies (08/05/05)

Interior Dept. may allow increased natural gas drilling in Utah canyon (08/02/05)

Interior Dept. drills away environmental protections (07/21/05)

BLM pays oil and gas industry to work on drilling permits (07/08/05)

BLM limits citizen input on drilling on public lands (06/30/05)

BLM opens Otero Mesa for oil and gas development (06/07/05)

Energy development not hampered by lack of drilling permits (04/28/05)

BLM underestimates wildlife threats from drilling in Colorado (04/21/05)


Clean Vehicles

White House proposes weak fuel economy standards for gas guzzlers (08/23/05)

DOT perpetuates the dual-fuel fraud (02/18/04)

EPA touts new, cleaner cars (01/26/04)

United States and European Union teaming up on hydrogen fuel cells (06/16/03)

EPA reports record drop in fuel economy (04/30/03)

EPA cracks down on diesel pollution (04/15/03)

Bush administration slightly raises SUV gas mileage requirements (04/01/03)

White House fuel cell plan ignores today’s oil insecurity (02/06/03)

Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency

Bush administration expands popular energy conservation program (07/10/05)

Federal court rejects EPA snowmobile standards (06/01/04)

Department of Energy agrees to enforce higher efficiency standards for air conditioners (04/02/04)

EPA overestimating fuel economy data, environmentalists charge (04/02/04)

USDA grant program makes energy the new cash crop (12/12/03)

Bush administration opposes renewable energy requirement (07/19/02)

Bush administration rolls back air conditioner energy efficiency standards (05/23/02)

DOE to fund biomass research (09/19/01)


Power Plant Pollution

EPA to keep new Clean Air Act regulations that increase pollution (06/02/05)

EPA's mercury pollution plan won't meet reduction targets on time (04/21/05)

EPA weakens mercury reduction requirements for power plants (03/15/05)

EPA issues rule to reduce power plant pollution in many states (03/10/05)

Congressional watchdog agency concludes EPA distorted mercury analysis (03/07/05)

Bush administration air pollution plan would exempt 58,000 industrial sources (03/01/05)

EPA mercury proposal favors industry, says agency's inspector general (02/03/05)

Clear Skies would let plants pollute more, study concludes (01/13/05)


Diesel Emissions

EPA finally agrees to set standards for stationary diesel engines (07/15/04)

Non-road diesel roadless rule to save lives by reducing pollution (05/10/04)

EPA calls for cleaner diesel trucks (03/04/04)

Bush administration refuses to crack down on diesel pollution (06/07/02)

EPA upholds Clinton decision to clean up diesel pollution (02/28/01)


Global Warming

Bush admits humans cause global warming, but rebuffs action (07/06/05)

EPA scuttled global warming videos to avoid White House wrath (07/01/05)

White House white-washes global warming data (06/08/05)

Bush points to technology as key to climate change fix (02/17/05)

EPA environmental report to include global warming data (02/03/05)

Bush administration impedes progress at international global warming talks (12/18/04)

Bush administration accepts global warming science but balks at solutions (11/24/04)

Bush administration agrees to capture methane gas (11/16/04)


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来源: 文学城-MichaelC