Marriage and Gayrriage:婚姻与同姻(中英文版)

Marriage and Gayrriage:婚姻与同姻(中英文版)



Marriage and Gayrriage


The purpose of this article is to suggest a single English word to express a phenomenon of married and cohabiting in same-sex or gay marriage that has been realized in a fact of human behavior in social sciences.
    今天上午坐公交车时,在一个座位上捡到一张他人丢弃的本地出版的当日Express(今日快报)。首页新闻是美国现任总统、立志竞选连任下届总统的巴拉克奥巴马发表讲话,首次公开承认gay marriage的合法性。在读那篇新闻时看到这个术语后的第一感觉是这个说法很不简洁,为什么不叫gayrriage呢?这多简单啊,而且,作为一个单一词形的名词,它可以转化为其它几类相关词汇,例如:

This morning when I took a bus to my office, I picked up a local newspaper Express that was left in a seat. The news in the first page is about the president Barack Obamas new stance on “gay marriage” and he support it to be legitimate. Mr. Obama is running for his second term of the USA president. He is the first president who publically clarify his stance on this issue. When I was reading this news, my first filling was that the term “gay marriage” is not enough simple. Why cannot we use a simpler single word like “gayrriage”? What should it be simple! And as a noun in the form of single word, it can be easily derived into following words like:
                gayrrize or gayrrilize
                gayrrization or gayrrilization

More importantly, once we have this simple word, we can provide a necessary convenience in linguistic expression under all situations without any ambiguity with the word marriage by rigorously define two different types of cohabiting” as follows: 


1) Marriage: A human behavior that at least two heterosexual adults in proper age combined in their personal and legal agreement to living together and form a family, in which a core content of this behavior as well as it inherent relationship performs an ability that the two heterosexual adults have sexual intercourse based on their different sexual organs, or sexual behavior, by which they may bear their common blood offspring.


2) Gayrriage: This word originates from gay marriage. It is a human behavior that at least two homosexual adults in proper age combined in their personal agreement to living together and form a family-like social unit, in which a core content of this behavior as well as it inherent relationship performs an ability that the two homosexual adults have mimic sexual behavior based on their body touch between sexual and other organs, by which they are unable to bear their common blood offspring unless a heterosexual adult as the third part was introduced to offer a biological basis to bear dependents that are not the common blood offspring of the gays.


Thus it can be seen that the types of cohabiting as well as their sexual behaviors are essentially different from each other, we should not use a same word to describe them; otherwise confusion and confliction may be caused among concepts and logics in some situations, especially in some scientific researches.

The English word marriage corresponds to 婚姻 in Chinese and word. The word 婚姻 is constructed in two characters: and 姻。The former means marry or marrying, and the latter means a general relationship, thus a marriage means a relationship between two heterosexual adults who establish the marriage. So, similarly we can say that a gayrriage indicates a relationship between two homosexual adults who establish the gayrriage.


From an angle of the types of sexual combination, marriage has only one form, and the gayrriage has different two forms: 1) male-male gayrriage, and 2) Female-female gayrriage.


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