




Ode to Uncle  

Uncle , our great director, we'd like now to acknowledge
For in a blink of an eye we'll all be in college

As our director you showcase our talent so rare
And open our eyes to your love that is there

To you we're a decicated troupe so fond
Why, we've even followed you to lily pond

Now for each cousin a very special rhyme
Don't worry, I'll be finished with this poem in due time

To M. are the Godfather with the Riolo batutti
Every good Sicilian boy needs a capo de tutti

To G.A. you are the chair
She loves to snuggle up with the cuddle bear

To I. R. you are the great Spam master
Luckly, his metabolism runs a wee bit faster

Uncle, you and I live in history, our heads in a book
If the house was on fire we wouldn't even look

To Meimei you are her Papa and fellow nerd
And she's the fastest swimmer in the world, so you've heard

To A.M. those fried eggs were a chocker
But you both sure enjoy a good game of Poker

To Dabao you have more than a chemical bond
You are his Papa, his pal, his Bond, his James Bond

To you it's not important which country a cousin is from
In your eyes we're all as Italian as they come

Uncle your sound fills the air like a Lake Tahoe bear
The family needs your big voice to always be there
This poem is for you and all that you share
With a big cousin wish that you please take care
孩子写的诗里有很多典故,比如夏天野营时先生带着当时只有四五岁的他们步行几英里去莲花塘Lily Pond,久久不归急得其他家长打救急电话叫森林巡警。。。然后不顾其他人只吃健康食品的要求,做高盐高脂午餐肉Spam,买苏打水给孩子们分。。。孩子诗中有一两处押韵和选词有父母帮了忙,比如Capo de tutti是电影Godfather里听来的,意思是头头。

到圣诞节的时候这些生活点滴都成了素材,孩子们各显其能发挥特长,拿爷爷奶奶爸爸妈妈开玩笑是常有的事。比如他们编一首诗让时间回转到三四十年前,圣诞老人读着当时还是孩子的父母们的单子:小燕儿想要一个。。。编故事的时候,先生和雪儿问我当时想要什么?鞭炮好不好?“小燕儿想要鞭炮,不能给她!她会把房子点着火!”我一听,这么野蛮?我不要鞭炮,我想要个娃娃。。。赶快改改你们的词吧! 等圣诞节表演的时候,就听圣诞老人说: “小燕儿想要China doll,不能给她!娃娃会被摔成千百碎片的”。。。啊?这圣诞老人真抠门儿,小弟要的溜冰车圣诞老人也不给,说他要摔掉大门牙!这可是真事儿,婆婆到现在还念叨着他的门牙有多么完美。。。

然后就听三个女孩上场了,先唱一首柔美的It's a small world. 然后摇身一变成了三个Nona,诺娜就是意大利语奶奶或姥姥的意思,孩子们的奶奶从没回过意大利,她自己的姥姥姥爷是一百多年前从西西里移民来的。话说雪儿和表妹们表演的三个Nona惟妙惟肖,回到了意大利,满心欢喜,可还满世界找Nordstrom商店要为孙儿女们买礼品。。。

说到拿爷爷开心,几个孩子们围坐在一起要开画家协会会议,表演爷爷的演员说:“我建议我们下一次外出绘画到Napa酒乡去画winery...I mean nice scenery...( 画酒厂。。。我是想说。。。画美景)然后几个画家就说到下一期会议议题,爷爷说:“Michelangelo and Merlot... meeting adjoured. ” 米开朗基罗和温和红酒?还挺押韵。。。三句话不离酒,这可怎么好?




Happy Birthday Baby Jesus!


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Happy Birthday Baby Jesus!

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christmas 2011 030
philip 9th birthday 041
907steve philip 907birthday 012
 大宝雪儿兄妹表演America the Beautiful

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christmas 2008 011 
christmas 2008 006 
表姐妹的和声很柔美 It's a small world

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Christmas 2010 024

 歌曲Santa Baby
Santa Baby, hurry down the chimney tonight
christmas 2008 016 
大宝和表弟们表演sushi Santa





christmas 2011 053 
孩子们自编自演小品Evil Villian Therapy Session

christmas 2011 067
把爷爷请上台,唱you're a mean one, Mr Grinch

The First Noel

The First Noel, the Angels did say
Was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay
In fields where they lay keeping their sheep
On a cold winter's night that was so deep.
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel
Born is the King of Israel

They looked up and saw a star
Shining in the East beyond them far
And to the earth it gave great light
And so it continued both day and night.
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel
Born is the King of Israel!

And by the light of that same star
Three Wise men came from country far
To seek for a King was their intent
And to follow the star wherever it went.
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel
Born is the King of Israel!

This star drew nigh to the northwest
O'er Bethlehem it took its rest
And there it did both Pause and stay
Right o'er the place where Jesus lay.
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel
Born is the King of Israel!

Then entered in those Wise men three
Full reverently upon their knee
And offered there in His presence
Their gold and myrrh and frankincense.
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel
Born is the King of Israel! 

Then let us all with one accord
Sing praises to our heavenly Lord
That hath made Heaven and earth of nought
And with his blood mankind has bought.
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel
Born is the King of Israel! 


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来源: 文学城-京燕花园