医学生日记2016年4月11日 - 家庭晚餐

医学生日记2016年4月11日 - 家庭晚餐


医学生日记2016年4月11日 - 家庭晚餐

阿山 (庞静译)
















































Sunday April 11, 2016 – Family Dinner


This weekend was the end of the first 6-week block of third year. I finished the surgical subspecialties rotation, and on Monday, I will be starting general surgery. Since everybody had the weekend off, my clinical small group decided it would be a good time to get together and have “family dinner”. Our clinical small groups consisted of 6 students and one mentor. We worked together every week for the first half of med school. Our mentor almost singlehandedly taught us the learning of all of our clinical skills. We really think of this small group as our med school family. Since the start of our rotations, we were all placed on different surgical services and haven’t been able to see each other much. 


We went to our mentor’s house and she cooked dinner for all of us. Especially since we were all very busy on our surgery rotations, this was probably the best meal we all had since starting rotations. It was a fairly simple home-cooked meal, but it was wonderful to be able to sit down and enjoy it all together. We had starting appetizers with some baked brie cheese with crackers, carrots with a cucumber dill yogurt dip, and some wine. The main meal was chicken parmesan, strawberry arugula salad, and fresh baked garlic bread. Dessert was carrot cake with ice cream. But definitely the best part of the meal was getting to share all of our stories from the past 6 weeks. I’m highlighting some of those stories here.


Most embarrassing moment

These were of course the stories that everybody wanted to hear the most. Amongst us, I definitely had the most embarrassing moment to share. I was in on an open prostatectomy with urology. After the prostate had been removed, somebody needed to check if the rectum had been injured during surgery. This is achieved by sticking a clean gloved finger into the anus, doing a finger sweep, and checking if there is any blood on the glove. Tasks like this are typically reserved for the most junior trainees in the room, hence it was my task to do this. Now, there was a challenge in that this was still a sterile surgical field. Everything was covered by the sterile blue drape with only a small square opening over the abdomen where they were operating. It was already an unusual angle to try to be sticking a finger into an anus without any visual direction. On top of that, our patient was a rather fat man, so I couldn’t exactly tell what I was or wasn’t feeling. All of this added to a solid two minutes of me, with my hand stuck somewhere underneath the blue drapes and sandwiched in some fat rolls, everybody in the room looking at me… and I say “I can’t find the anus”. At this moment, everybody in the room bursts out laughing and I can’t help myself either. The junior resident takes a try. In my defense, he had to get up to his elbows deep underneath the drape to find the anus. But he managed to find it in about a minute and I required 2 minutes to find nothing. By the end of the next day, the entire department had heard about my hilarious mishap. The attending surgeon even rushed to tell the patient about it. At least the patient and I were able to have a good laugh about it.


The Worst Resident

There were three in the group that started with general surgery, and they were eager to share stories about the different residents they worked with. Different surgical teams are led by chief residents, and everybody seemed to have a story about one specific chief resident. Here was my turn to sit back and listen to my classmates’ horror stories. 


This chief resident apparently had built a reputation for being a rude abrasive “asshole” to people. One girl from our group described her first week working with him. She and one other of our classmates were assigned to work with him. As our other classmate was giving him a patient update, the chief resident turned to my friend and said: “Can you please tell her to shut up and translate for me? I never learned to speak idiot.”


A second guy from our group described one of his first interactions with this same chief resident. He was also giving a patient update, and reported on an X-ray taken 1 day prior. The chief resident interrupted him and said: “No, the X-ray was taken 2 days ago, not 1 day ago. Don’t waste my time with wrong information. This is like saying your mom used to be attractive. It’s different than saying your mom is currently attractive. It makes a big difference in treatment plan. I would have sex with your mom when she used to be attractive. She’s probably too ugly now.”


On top of all of this, our mentor even had a story to share about him. She is a pediatrician, and this chief resident’s wife had just given birth at the hospital. Our mentor went in to congratulate them on their birth and perform the newborn examination. She was told to “stop annoying them, she wasn’t a real doctor anyways.”


I am getting several takeaways from these stories. First and foremost, I am very thankful that the people around me were able to be supportive and humorous and educational when I made a mistake, as is expected in the course of medical education. Secondly, the greater your talent and capabilities, the more you can get away with in terms of behavior. I have heard that this chief residents is one of the most amazing surgeons that the program has produced, that there have been formal complaints filed against him at least 15 times just in 2016 and he has never been addressed, and that he behaves the same way in front of his own attending surgeons and mentors and they never take action against him. 


Work hour violations

The very beginning of our rotations, they faculty and administration clearly explained what our work hour rules and protections were. These guidelines were repeatedly hammered into our heads whenever administration contacted us. The general guidelines are: 


We are not to exceed 80 hours per week in the hospital.

We are to have at least 1 full day off per week.

We are to have at least 10 hours outside the hospital between every work shift.


We were told that all faculty were aware of these restrictions and we could simply just speak up about going home or coming in later to stay in compliance. We were assured that all faculty would be understanding of this situation.


I personally violated the work hour restrictions only once, when I stayed until 9pm in a surgery and came in at 6am the next day. I had personally made the choice that I wanted to stay in the surgery and be able to attend rounds the next day. That same day, one of my classmates on the same rotation with me was in a similar situation, and he requested if he could come in at 8am instead. He received no difficulty from the faculty. However, it was myself who was heavily judging him for invoking this rule. I was in the same situation as him, we were only losing 1 hour, and he had actually requested an extra hour. Later, the residents told me that they were constantly violating their own work hour guidelines, and none of them ever spoke up about it. It was never because the attending physicians would blame them, it was because their own peers would eviscerate them. 


Two of my peers on general surgery experienced much more grievous violations to their work hours. One guy averaged 100 hours per week on vascular surgery. He never once spoke up to the department about this work hour violation. Partly, he felt that the doctors on the team were already disinterested in teaching and including him, he did not want to give them any possible reason to believe more that he might be disinterested and lazy. Secondly, he felt that if were another student looking in on this situation, he would tell himself to “just suck it up and tough it out”. 


The other girl routinely worked from 4am to 9pm. She never reported her work hour violations either. Her reasoning was that she wanted to be a functioning member of the team, and to do so as a medical student, you have to be present whenever the team is working or you might miss out on opportunities. The second line of reasoning was that there was a second medical student on service with her. If she was to report her work hour violations, it would either: make herself look lazy compared to the other student, force the other student who might also not want to miss out on learning opportunities to miss experiences, or have the other student think she was being lazy and weak.


The overarching theme is that we as medical students can be very self-policing as a student body. There are institutional rules in place and faculty for the most part are understanding of them. However, it seems that the medical students have our own beliefs of what our expectations are and to what standard we should be upheld. In the event that somebody does seek to protect their own work hours, incidences have shown that our class will, ruthlessly and highly unfairly, cast negative judgment upon that person’s work ethic and character. 



Overall, it was a wonderful dinner and a chance to catch up with my medical school family. Other than those isolated incidents, we all had positive outlooks, which made our mentor very happy. She was very concerned that we would be too overwhelmed or unhappy, partly based on her own experiences training in a different time and culture at an Ivy League medical school. 

Three of us start general surgery on Monday. The other three start the surgical subspecialties. 6 more weeks and we are done with the most difficult block of medical school.



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