



作者:阿山 (庞静译)(原文存在译文之后)


第一天 - 女婴儿








第二天 - 戴西









March 18, 2016 – A Tale of Two Trachs

For some background information, a tracheotomy (trach) is a procedure done to open the airway. A tube is inserted to allow for spontaneous breathing and mobility, in contrast with intubation, which requires the patient be sedated and monitored in the hospital. Here are two stories seen on back-to-days involving trachs.

Day 1 – Baby Girl

I will just refer to our patient as Baby Girl. She was born extremely prematurely, where the first time I was meeting her in the Neonatal ICU (NICU) was the week she was supposed to be born, but she had already been alive for several months. Babies born that early tend to have a lot of problems, yet she had miraculously made it through the lung, heart, kidney, and brain troubles (which is a tribute to modern pediatric medicine). We were seeing her for her last problem, she could not breathe through her airway.

She had been intubated since the day she was born. Every time the doctors attempted to take the tube out so she could breathe on her own, she would start suffocating. It was already determined the problem wasn’t in her lungs. Examinations of her airway showed that it had narrowed extensively. Here’s the definition of a vicious cycle, her airway was already small and having a tube in will irritate the airway. The irritation will cause the airway to inflame, swell, and get even narrower. So the tube was keeping her alive, but was it truly life when she was dependent upon a ventilation machine and sedation?

A trach would have bypassed the narrow airway, allowed time for the airway to recover, and allowed Baby Girl to leave the hospital. Key to not here, Baby Girl would have left the hospital, but she would not have gone home with the trach. Here is where the story gets complicated. Baby’s Girl’s mother is severely diabetic and already legally blind. She would have legally lost custody of Baby Girl because she wouldn’t be able to take care of the trach. Needless to say, Baby Girl’s mother was desperate to keep custody.

And a complicated story gets even messier. As some doctors put it, this woman couldn’t even take care of her own diabetes, how could she be expected to take care of a baby with complicated medical needs? Other doctors said, they believed in this young mother’s love, we’ve seen plenty of parents take excellent care of their children despite taking terrible care of themselves. Also as doctors, we’re taught we have to try to avoid locking in our judgments of our patients.

The story doesn’t end. The mother had illegal drugs present in her urine. Enough so that there were illegal drugs detected in Baby Girl’s blood at birth. There was debate as to whether this was enough criteria to automatically eliminate the mother’s hope of maintaining custody.

We examined her airway again, hoping to find some other reason she was suffocating that was unrelated to her narrow airway, that she could possibly move air normally despite the narrowing. There was a bump and the ENT doctor sent it to biopsy. He kept saying it could be a benign tumor. If it was a benign tumor, they could remove it and Baby Girl would hopefully start breathing normally, without having to do a trach and separate her from her mother. The resident told me it was 99% likely to be inflammation and swelling due to the tube.

So here we are, actually hoping for a tumor – something we can treat, so we don’t have to be put in the impossible position of putting in a trach and separating a baby from her mother that loves her. And now, we wait for the biopsy results.

Day 2 – Daisy

I will call this patient Daisy for the sake of this story. She’s quite different from Baby Girl, she’s already 10, and has had a trach for several years. Daisy lost the lottery at birth with an extremely rare genetic disorder that arises randomly. She’s been crippled by seizures, neurodegeneration, muscle atrophy, and skeletal deformities her whole life.

Having a trach puts patients at increased risk of aspiration pneumonia, since the saliva can freely flow into the lungs. That was why Daisy was here today. The ENT doctor had a conversation with the mother about a modifying procedure that would remove the risk for pneumonia, but also remove Daisy’s ability to phonate. Daisy had never been able to speak, but with a small attachment device, she had been able to make sounds. In her mother’s words, she had a voice.

We went in the room to change Daisy’s trach for some other medical indications. For those who ever need to verify a mother’s love, watch how a mother behaves as she watches two young medical staff work on her child. Some minor bleeding was expected as part of the procedure. However, given the nature of the trach device, the blood was shot out in spurt through the trach. So here’s the sight, I’m holding the trach in place in the middle of Daisy’s neck, she’s lying in the bed at about the level of my waist, trembling and shaking as much her highly degenerated nerves and muscles would allow her, and blood is shooting out a few feet, high enough that several drops were splattered on my face. Daisy’s mother was 1 foot behind me, in the agonizing combination of screaming, crying, and shouting at the resident finalizing the trach placement. All this while, Daisy’s eyes were fixed on her mother. I could see the fear in her eyes, and knew that she knew that her mother loved and cared for her. She didn’t have much mental function left because of her disease, but she still knew fear and love.

All of this took about 2 minutes. I asked the resident afterwards, and this is a very routine procedure, including the bleeding.  But nevertheless, it is a very disturbing sigh for family. For the patient, it is not as painful as expected, but imagine being a young girl and having two masked men standing over you with their hands on your neck.

The attending physician came and talked to the mom later, consoled her for what she witnessed, and apologized that we had not thought to be more sensitive. He then continued to talk to her about the procedure to update the trach. Daisy would lose the ability to make sound, which I had just witnessed that Daisy had the mental function to express love, happiness, and fear. So we are asking this mother to give up her daughter’s voice, for the sake of preventing pneumonias that she doesn’t completely understand are difficult to treat and damaging to her daughter’s health in the long run.

But there was one silver lining. Because of the modified anatomy, Daisy would be able to have food again. The basic trach doesn’t allow for patients to eat anything, and they are fed through a tube. The doctor explained, Daisy has so much suffering in her life. How meaningful would it be if she would be able to taste ice cream again?

Daisy’s mother consented to the procedure.



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来源: 文学城-晓海平静