Mac is more satisfying than PC# Apple - 家有苹果
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Rarely does an employer ask employees, but Mac users are generally displeased
about switching platforms. See Macintouch Reader Reports for a list of recent
postings to a national newsgroup. The Johnson Space Center went through a
similar, unpleasant experience. Employees don't want to switch.
Independent studies back up them up. Evans Research Associates found that
Mac more satisfying than PCs, more enjoyable, more creative, and Macs ranked
higher on a variety of attributes (Personal Computer Sa
about switching platforms. See Macintouch Reader Reports for a list of recent
postings to a national newsgroup. The Johnson Space Center went through a
similar, unpleasant experience. Employees don't want to switch.
Independent studies back up them up. Evans Research Associates found that
Mac more satisfying than PCs, more enjoyable, more creative, and Macs ranked
higher on a variety of attributes (Personal Computer Sa